
March 28, 2013

Easter!  The kids will be here for the weekend.  They arrive on Friday in time for dinner.  I have the table and menu set: tomato soup with wild rice, potato pancakes and a watercress salad.  Cookies and candy for dessert.  I buy these cute chocolate duckies every year from my downtown candy store and use them as party favors.  They have an orange bow this year so used that color to guide my tablescape.   The yellow/green/orange alstroemeria flowers are from my Safeway--they are so pretty!  

The linen napkins are from my grandmother and the linen tablecloth was a find from the Stanford University jumble sale a few years back.  You can tell it's old, it's thick and fine and in perfect shape.  My best find at that jumble sale was a set of thick, monogrammed, linen twin sheets.  My son slept in them for years until he grew out of a twin, but they are still in great shape.  I read somewhere that Queen Elizabeth still sleeps on the linen sheets that Queen Victoria had made for her over 100 years ago.  Linen, got to love that fiber.

Elsewhere around the house there's a bit of Easter too.
I put my little wooden Easter fellas from Germany on the kitchen buffet.

My friend brought home some manzanita branches from the foothills.
Manzanita is fairly common in California, grows as a large bush and has beautiful dark red bark.
The sage green leaves will eventually fall off and the bare branches will look beautiful for years.
I hot glued some roosting chickens on the leaves and have some Easter bunnies below.

I did some baking this morning.  I always have to have my sugar cookies on hand for any gathering.  If they weren't in the cookie jar, the three men in the family would flip!  I have a collection of cookie cutters, over 100, and below are just a few of my spring ones.  I make them plain, just lightly sprinkled with sugar, just the way my family likes them.  They are my favorite cookie too.  I've yet to try them with gluten free flour, but now was not the time to experiment!  Recipe here.

We've been so busy in the garden and I'm working up a gardening post for next week. 
I'm knitting as usual and have a few FO's (finished objects) to share when I can get photos.

As a Rowan ambassador, I received a lovely box from Rowan,
very excited to share that with you soon.

Knitionary now has a page on Facebook.
Please hop over and follow Knitionary on Facebook
It will be an easy way to follow my most recent posts
and catch some other things that grab my attention.

Have a blessed Easter!

Dinner plates, Cambria from Pottery Barn in Saffron.
Soup Plates, Splendore from Arte Italica.
Bee Glasses are available from Ballard Designs, Target and World Market
German painted wooden critters from Wendt and Kuhn
Duck chocolates from The Gourmet Works 

My favorite Easter post here.  Life is good.
Pretty Easter table here and a very gorgeous one here.
Best cut-out sugar cookie recipe ever.

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  1. Your house looks so beautiful Kristen; I love the little touches of Easter everywhere. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  2. What lovely decor! :)

  3. Love your table! Alstroemeria are my favorite flower, they last so long and come in so many pretty colors. I might just have to try your sugar cookie recipe. They look great!
    Have a lovely weekend with your family.

  4. Gorgeous! I love everything and have to say your home is simply beautiful !

  5. This is like a peep with a megahorn!!!!! WOW!!! You have really been busy around the house! The duck favors are cute as they can be with their bright orange bills! What a neat favor that EVERYONE can enjoy! You did a wonderful job of arranging the alstroemeria, and you KNOW I am so jealous of you having immediate and unlimited access to manzanita branches!!!!!! I have never seen them with the leaves on them. them like that! By the time I've ever seen them, they're naked as a jaybird and dried, which is the way I've always used them. To see them fresh like this just brings a little tear to my eye! :-) The German bunnies are cute, cute, cute! I'm glad to see you had time to do a little baking. I'm hoping to do a little myself tomorrow before heading to Mom & Daddy's for dinner on Sunday. Have a fantabulous Easter weekend, Kristin, and enjoy the fruits of you labor!!!

    P.S. - That linen tablecloth is just MAGNIFICENT!!!!!

  6. Oooh look at these cookies. They look so delicious. And your table is extremely beautiful as always..:))
    Happy Easter...:))

  7. Hi, Kristen -
    Beautiful linens. Great finds. And, how lucky you are to have manzanita branches. Sometimes I can find them at the florist....but quite costly! Thanks for the tour of your lovely home. Have a wonderful Easter!!
    Cheers from DC,

  8. I've known you for years and you continue to amaze me. The table looks beautiful and I love the hot glued chicks on the manzanita leaves.

  9. It's me again. I made your cookies yesterday and they are a HIT! So sweet and crunchy! I sprinkled them with colored sugar before baking. I also used coconut oil instead of shortening (didn't have any). I will be making these again and again. Thanks for the recipe : )

  10. Oh, what a wonderful Easter you had!
    Your house looks gorgeous! You are wonderful to share it with us!

  11. Your table is gorgeous Kristen! I love the white linens with the orange accent color and chocolate ducks! I, too, dressed my Easter table with white linens and attempted a last minute copy of your ducks using chocolate dipped peeps instead. Let's just say, yours looked so much better and the kids ate the peeps before dinner was served! I love your decorating style and spend way too much time examining all the minute details in all the beautiful pictures you post!!! Thanks for sharing!


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