So if you are reading this, (and it doesn't count if you are my mom) Hi mom! I want to say thank you for putting up with all my showing off and all that. I have so much fun doing this, it's a fun part of my day and reading YOUR blog inspires, entertains and humbles me.
Plus, I love the intimate feel of a blog.
Now on to the latest sweater! It's the Estelle Pullover, which I have made before (twice before). This time using just a smidge over 5 skeins of Rowan Kid Classic. I love the oatey color (it's called Oats!). It might wash me out, but I love that it is so neutral. I used bamboo needles, size 7 I think. Bamboo needles and Kid Classic are heaven together. Because the gauge is way off, quite a bit smaller than the pattern, it brought the neck in, which is what I wanted for this winter sweater. I have to wear a long sleeved tee underneath, KC is pretty itchy right next to the skin, but with a tee it is perfectly cozy and warm.
The best to you in 2011. Thank you so much for visiting.

- December 31, 2010