Woolfolk Ravello

November 02, 2014

I don't know whether I'm more happy with my finished sweater or more happy that I actually have pictures to share.  I've always said knitting is the easy part!

This sweater is another Ravello by Isabel Kramer. I just can't seem to tire of this pattern as it's so easy to get a perfect fit.  Plus the stripe options, or no stripes, are abundant. I am so into stripes these days.  

But this sweater, as much as I love the pattern, is all about the yarn.  Tynd by Woolfolk is a fingering weight yarn made of the highest quality merino available.  To say Tynd is soft somehow doesn't give it the adoration it deserves.  It feels every bit as exquisite as the finest cashmere at about half the price.  Tynd has a soft twist, is very easy to knit, and achieving an even tension is effortless.  The fabric is lightweight and soft, akin to wearing a big puppy hug.  Apparently the people behind Woolfolk hybridized a new merino sheep and this is the result.  They also made a chainette worsted weight yarn, but I am a fingering weight kinda girl, and this stuff is magnificent.  The color palette is quite neutral with some grays, blues and tans.  I imagine when this yarn becomes a bit hit, and it will, they will expand the color options.

I'm going to lift some words right from their website:  Woolfolk yarns combine the highest quality wool with ethical, sustainable practices. The fiber we use, Ultimate Merino®, doesn’t happen by chance, but by the innovative efforts of farmers to produce the very best wool fiber while being land stewards of the Patagonian Grasslands. Woolfolk brings this exquisitely soft and lustrous fiber in handknitting yarns that preserves the unique attributes of this luxurious wool.  Ultimate Merino® has a micron count of 17.5, and combines the hand of cashmere with the wear of merino. The long cylindrical fibers, with a surface that is smoother due to elongated, flat scales, reflect light and absorb dye better than elliptical fibers, resulting in lustrous yarns with deep and lasting hues.

I made it tunic length, but since it's top down it will be easy to shorten it if I decide to. I finished this sweater while watching the parade on TV, that would be the San Francisco Giants parade because WE WON THE WORLD SERIES!  It went 7 games and was excruciatingly exciting!  We went out to dinner with friends that night and I wore this sweater and we all said, "So what are we going to watch on TV now that there is no more baseball?"  And I'm thinking, what on earth will I knit to now?

Their website is the not the best, a bit difficult to maneuver and doesn't really show you the yarn.  I would go to the Purl site to view the colors and you can shop there too! 

See the colors at Purl
 You can also find Woolfolk at these stockists
my Rav page has all the sweater details

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  1. Lovely Kristen! It looks great on you as always! I can see how soft the yarn is so must give it a try.

  2. Fantastic sweater! I love stripes too, especially when they have a Breton feel, as this one does.

  3. I love the deep rib on the sleeves of this sweater! Stripes are addictive, aren't they?

  4. that sweater looks so perfect! I love it, so classic, and so cozy looking.

  5. Love that sweater!!!


  6. It's gorgeous, and looks fantastic on you!

  7. That is a beautiful shade of wine they have there among all the neutrals and blue. Chloe

  8. It's fabulous! I've been hearing about this yarn all over, it just might land in my LYS before I leave...

  9. Thank for showing. I like it very much!


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