guys like pie

June 17, 2013

My guys like pie and so do I!  If my husband sees fresh berry pie on a dessert menu, he cannot turn it down.  Ollalieberry Pie is hands down the favorite choice for Father's Day.  I make the same pie every year, and if I deviate from my original pie recipe, it creates such a kerfuffle, it's not worth it.  Truth is I don't even follow a recipe, I make the filling by taste.  To 6-8 cups berries I squeeze in the juice of 1 small lemon, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and maybe 1 cup sugar, but I taste it and then adjust because my husband prefers tart over sweet.  I sprinkle 2 heaping tablespoons of cornstarch and mix it all together with my hands, then pour into an unbaked pie crust.  This recipe comes close to what I do.  Also, I make Martha's all butter crust because it's what my husband likes and he really is the pie eater.  Also my son.  When he has a birthday I ask him what kind of cake he wants and he says pie, his request even when he was a little guy!  Oh men! 

Last week was busy with garden chores, we've been harvesting lovely veggies and making the yummy best salads and soups.  The first golden beets of the season turned into an orange-beet-fig salad sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and the cucumbers are showing up everywhere.  This morning for breakfast we had a green bean, cucumber and spring onion stir fry with fresh orange juice.  I know it's not summer yet, but it feels like it in my California garden.  Most days are sunny and slightly breezy, bright blue skies with floaty white clouds, very pretty, translating to  perfect gardening and growing weather.  The flower border in the back will be all shades of pink, purple and white.  It's just starting to bloom up getting ready for a good show.  Oh sigh, love this time of year.

We're having a small party next week to welcome friends visiting from New Zealand.  I think it's very fun to visit a foreign country and be invited into a home.  Everything looks different, the kitchen appliances, the way the food is served, the garden layout, just about everything!  Because I like that part of travel so much I'm going to do my best to make a dinner using fresh local produce, mostly from my garden and give it a real California feel.  I love that kind of a challenge!

I hope I get good pictures of the party, if I do I'll share! 

This lovely eyelet lace cardigan below, Martha, knit back in 2005 out of Rowan 4-Ply Cotton was saved from the rag-bag this week.  It had horrible stains in all the worst places, so I soaked it overnight in OxiClean (1 scoop per gallon)  I was shocked that it got out every stain!  It looks like new again, so happy!  I swear by this stuff!

What's off the needles?  Caramel, Praline and Opaline, now just need my pictures.  Also, two sweaters almost finished for my granddaughter.  Just waiting for her visit to check on final fit, arm length mostly, she is growing so fast!  This afternoon we'll be at the movies, Superman in 3D!  Love 3D!  If you use Facebook, I hope you'll follow my Knitionary page.  I add fun things there that don't make it to my blog.  Have a great week!

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  1. Mmmmmm, pie!

    I am just astounded at how fantastic your sweater looks! I'll definitely be keeping that trick in mind!


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