baby shower prep

April 30, 2012

I'm having a baby shower tea for 30 guests next Saturday and today I begin in earnest to plan the event.  This baby will be a boy, born in San Francisco in July and we all know that summer in San Francisco is perfect sweater weather.  Remember Mark Twain's funny quote, " The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."   I have a little collection of sweaters ready for this happily anticipated little fella, including this new red garter stitch jacket using Elizabeth Zimmerman's classic February Baby Sweater as a guide.

This is fast going and will be finished in a wink.

The nursery is decorated in Pottery Barn navy with touches of red and has a view of the Golden Gate Bridge.  Yes, really, I'm not kidding, a nursery view of the Golden Gate Bridge, and luckily that red bridge will match the nursery!

This morning I started to pull out some things that might work for the tea table.  
I hope to use the white and navy striped cloth, 
plus I have a collection of mismatched white vintage tea and luncheon napkins. 
 The fabrics and felt might make a banner for the buffet.
I'll just mess around and see what works.

I purchased some 100% wool felt from Purl to make these adorable felt baby shoes.   
Cutest baby shoes ever!

I have a smallish collection of Staffordshire blue and white china that I hope will work.  

Maybe masses of red roses in blue and white pots.

Roses that I have growing right outside my door!

I'll also be scouting around the house to find other touches of navy and red that I can use for the event.

I made this redwork quilt about 25 years ago.

The mother-to-be will remember sitting on this needlepoint chair!

Wish me luck.
I have a ton of decorating ideas and haven't even started thinking about the food yet!

Happy Monday!


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  1. How cool! I'm going to a baby shower this Saturday too, for the grandbaby to be in July as well! Frantically still knitting for this one and one the following Saturday in Iowa.

    What other things are you knitting for baby?

  2. Hi Penny,
    I made the Sunnyside Cardigan and Baby Owlet Cardigan for this little baby, both are on my Ravelry site and both are so cute!

  3. This is going to be one great shower! You host the greatest parties. I cant wait to see photos! :)

  4. Oh, how pretty!!!
    Love the blue, white and red idea! I am sure your gathering will be absolutely gorgeous! You are such a great entertainer!

  5. I hope you have as much fun doing this as I have looking at your pictures!


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