wedding engagement cookies

April 03, 2012

My contribution to an engagement party for a friend.
Recipe below.
A triple batch made 48 "Heart in Hand" sugar cookies. 

The engagement ring is a good chunk of rock candy and nails are painted with pink royal icing.
I displayed them in my largest bowl.

I get an assembly line going.  The last step is to wrap them in corsage bags and tie them with ribbon.

My ribbon stash has this vintage "velvette" ribbon.

I saved a few for us.  These make everyone smile, plus they are very tasty too!
This is the same cookie recipe I've posted before, but it's good enough to repeat!
Cut-Out Cookies

1/2 cup butter for the flavor, nothing can beat butter for that
1/4 cup shortening for the texture, adds a crisp snap
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat first three ingredients until light and fluffy.  Beat in egg and vanilla.  Combine dry ingredients and mix in.  Form mixture into disk and cover in plastic wrap.  Chill for at least an hour.  Roll dough 1/8 inch thick and cut with cookie cutters.  Sprinkle with sugar and bake on greased cookie sheet at 375 degrees F for 11 minutes or until lightly browned.  Transfer to racks to cool.  A simple family favorite.

May I brag a bit?  My daughter, son in law and now granddaughter are triathletes.  Annie did her second triathlon last weekend and was written up in the paper here.  Exciting!

So proud of the kids, it's been such a nice family activity.  They have met so many wonderful families and are in such excellent shape, including the dog!

All smiles at the end!  Woo Hoo!  Congratulations Annie!

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  1. Wow! Congrats to Annie! What a feat for a young girl! And of course, the cookies look scrumptious!

  2. Wow, a little triathlete - good for Annie! My son has done a few, and it is exciting, isn't it? Cute little hand cookies -- clever idea, K!


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