summer lovin'

August 22, 2020


making a fairy fort

Queen Lime Blush

Queen Lime Red

Queen Lime Blush

I've been taking some pictures over the summer and so happy to finally make this summer post. The garden has ignored the dour tendencies of 2020 and has been gorgeous all summer, although a bit weedy. I had to sit with my foot elevated for half of June and ALL of July and the weeds ran rampant since I am the official weeder. Now that I'm back on my feet I'm back to weeding and deadheading duty and so happy to do it. Carter has been helping me make pretty floral arrangements. I bought the glass tulipiere many years ago and unfortunately cannot find a link for you as it looks like they are unavailable. It's makes the prettiest arrangements that even a child can do! We go outside and pick exactly 25 flowers because it has 25 vials. 

The zinnias have been the stars of the summer flower garden. My favorites are the Queen Lime Zinnias: Queen Lime Red, Queen Lime Blush and the new Queen Lime Orange. I adore their vintage quilt colors. The bright zinnias are Fruit Bowl and Exquisite. I buy all my seeds from Burpee and start them in my greenhouse in late winter/ early spring. Our tomato harvest was decent, not great, but I was able to make a few batches of roasted tomato sauce. We've had fresh tomatoes everyday and had our favorite summer treat, BLTs a few times a week. The garden is winding down, pooping out really. Our California garden works so hard in spring and summer, that when fall approaches, it's completely exhausted. 

So many of you have inquired about the fire situation. Thank you so much for your concern. We are indeed surrounded by fires; the San Jose fires to the south, the Santa Cruz fires to the west and also more fires to the north that are closer to Napa. We had an insane lightening storm last weekend and the whole state seemed to catch on fire. The air quality varies. We had a very smoky day, then two clear days, and today it's moderate. Carter and his mommy, daddy and their dogs have been here since Wednesday and don't think it will be anytime soon before they can go back home. They are not in danger of fire, but their air quality is intolerable. I can't bear to think of the destruction and heartache this is causing and so grateful for the thousands of fire fighters from our own state, surrounding states, even Canada and Australia. 

Take care, Kristen

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  1. Amazing! I just love zinnias (which my mom pronounced zeen-yas and so they shall forever lovingly be known as such!). I never remember to plant them! Maybe next spring. So gorgeous. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you Lori. What a sweet memory for zinnias! They are a wonderful and hardworking annual. They do so well here and look good from the house because they are so bright and look good close up too because they are so tidy.

  2. Hi Kristen,
    Your gardens are lovely. All the blooms. It does look like a quilt of many colours from Kaffe Fassett. I wish I could knit like him.The summer goes by so quickly. I do love the Fall weather.
    Stay safe and hopefully these fires will be contained.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you Leslie. I'm looking forward to fall weather too because it means the holidays aren't too far behind!

  3. Wish I was there! Miss you all! Beautiful as always.

  4. Your garden is absolutely beautiful, but your talent for creating beautiful photos is outstanding.


  5. Dear Kristen, What a beautiful garden you have. I remember my neighbour had a lovely garden and she had a stake in the garden with the words, "Welcome to the garden of Weedin'"

    1. LOL! I have to have a sign made up like that! Truth!

  6. That's funny about the Weedin'. Your zinnias remind me of my grandmother who didn't have a big yard but squeezed in as many varieties of flowers as was possible from roses to snapdragons to zinnias. I loved the roses, of course, but always had a fondness for the zinnias. They said to me that summer wasn't over yet, friend, look at all the life in those colorful zinnias. Thanks for those memories, Kristen. So sorry for those fires!

    1. Isn't it wonderful how a simple flower or a wisp of a garden fragrance can bring up a whole host of childhood memories? Thank you for sharing. And thank you for your concern about the fires. This AM it's cool and no smoke, but the day changes as the wind changes. I can't bear to read up on what has happened overnight. I pray for good news.

  7. Your garden photos always make me a little homesick . . . you live not far from my childhood home and old stompin' ground. My aunt in Los Altos had a garden very much like yours! The fires are such a worry -- watching from the Midwest I get that panicky feeling that Californians get during fire season. Stay safe and stay well!

    1. Thank you so much. We are heartbroken as the fires this time have hit so close to home. Big Basin, I don’t know if you remember that in the Santa Cruz Mts, but it’s a popular campground. The kids were just camping two weeks ago and it has burned to the ground. Along with thousand year old redwoods. This AM and all last night it has not been smoky so we have all doors and windows open and Carter was able to play outside after dinner. We didn’t come in until dark, so desperate are we to go outside. I can barely think about what today’s fire news will bring.

      Thank you for your garden comment. :)

      xo Kristen

  8. Hi Kristen. Your blogs are so comforting and ‘grounding’. I absolutely love them. Your endless talent demonstrates the old adage “you reap what you sow” in all areas of your fully developed interests. We share many interests so I delight in your news letters. Bravo to you and your darling family. I’m in Carmel and our daughter in Santa Cruz is also affected, staying in our cottage with all the blended pups from our families. God bless you and yours.

    1. Hi Dasha

      And here we are two weeks later and the fires are still raging. Ugh. I play a cat and mouse game with my doors and windows. Is there smoke, is there smoke, I try to be one step ahead but never am.

      I love Carmel. Lucky you! We went to Carmel-by-the-Sea a few weeks ago on a Monday just to be at the beach. We had not gone anywhere since March and I was dying to see the ocean and hear the waves and smell the sea. It was a gorgeous day. We walked on the beach and walked in town and everyone was super respectful and careful and wore masks and it was NOT crowded! We felt safe. I hope you are not too affected anymore. I imagine Santa Cruz was intolerable. My son and his family like to camp at Big Basin in the SC Mts. and that beautiful area, along with 1000 year old redwoods, have burned to the ground. I’m just sick over all this. Let’s pray it’s all over soon.

      Take care, and thank you for commenting.


  9. Thank you for this post of your beautiful garden. Do you have any idea how many zinnias you plant? I did not have the spirit this year to get my garden going except for lettuces!

    1. Hi PJ! I plant about 4-5 flats of zinnias. I think one flat holds 48 cells so I that means 192-240 plants, but man, that sounds like a lot! They just do so well in my garden, I have decided to go with them every summer. Kristen

  10. Well, I thought your knitting space was wonderful last week but now..... a garden! I would love to sit and knit and daydream. I think all grandmother's grew zinnias! Mine also had a Rose of Sharon tree for making dolls, a passionflower vine and snapdragons and four-o'clocks. Great memories. Having family in CA, I watch the fire news daily and pray for the safety of all. Glad you and yours have such a beautiful safe haven.

    1. Don't grandmother's garden's hold wonderful memories? I hope my children and grandchildren will have many memories of Grammy and Papa's garden. That makes me smile at the thought. Those names, passionflower, snapdragon, four-o'clocks--don't you LOVE them? Thank you for your prayers. Two weeks later and the fires are still on. More and more contained, but still not out. Best, Kristen

  11. I have always loved your beautiful garden. It makes me happy and nostalgic just to see your photos.

  12. I live on three acres of woods in the Wisconsin Door County peninsula, but I appreciate your heavenly garden beyond measure! In my next life I may be blessed with a green thumb but in the meantime I will happily enjoy your exquisite garden photos. Perfection!

    1. Hi Suzanne
      I had to look up Door County. It sounds so lovely! With the beautiful topography, I don't think you need to grow flowers!


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