Seis de Mayo Fiesta

May 06, 2016

The last dozen years or so, every May my husband has gone on a golf trip to the mountains with a group of guys that we met 30 years ago when we all had children in nursery school.  The men spread out between a few homes and meet up each morning for golf and again each evening for dinner. They seem to take little more than golf clubs, scotch, cigars and steaks, but I'm sure it's more than that as I hear they always eat well.  They go mid week and arrive home late afternoon on Friday.  I expect my husband to walk in the door any minute.  The guys take a quick shower then we head to someone's house for dinner, usually a potluck or Chinese take-out, just whatever seems easiest for the hostess.  Today it's at my house and since yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, and since we Californians love our Mexican food, I decided to make it a Mexican Fiesta potluck.  I'm providing the main course of chicken enchiladas (a super easy recipe from my daughter) and a platter of cookies and everyone else is providing the rest.

We will be twenty and since it's raining today, we'll be eating inside.  I cannot possibly fit 20 around my tables, so it will be buffet style in the kitchen and finding a spot where you can--some at tables and some on sofas.  Luckily, the menu is fork food, so it makes eating on your lap easy enough.   All my roses above are from one big beautiful David Austin rose called The Pilgrim.  It's hard to choose a David Austin favorite, isn't it, but anyone who knows The Pilgrim knows it's magnificent!


White Sangria and Mexican Beer

Guacamole and Chips
Cowboy Caviar

Green Salad
Mexican Rice
Mexican Potatoes with Onions and Chilies
Black Beans


I must go now as there's always a few things to do before the guests arrive.  Plus, I have to mentally prepare myself to hear a ton of golf stories ;)  

Adios muchachos y muchachas, let the fiesta begin!

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  1. I always enjoy reading your posts are am looking forward to seeing your new sweaters and roses. David Austin roses are up there as one of favourites. I have Pilgrim and the Generous Gardener. A few years ago I had a very memorable trip to David Austin's nursery in June when many of the roses were in full bloom. It was heavenly. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. OK, Kristen, not only do you feel a burst of blog energy, but you've given me a burst of entertaining energy! Love the post and the recipe links.

  3. I love seeing your posts and I have a friend who likes white sangria,was wondering if you would be able to share your recipe. Thanking you in advance. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you! Sure, here's my simple recipe: Have all ingredients chilled: 1 bottle white wine. All the rest of the ingredients are to taste but approximately 1 C vodka, 1 C club soda and 1 C ginger ale or 7-Up and 1/2 C pineapple juice. One lemon and one lime, sliced. Mix it all together in pitcher and serve over ice in large wine glasses or tall glasses. It's very refreshing and light. Most sangrias have a lot of fruit and fruit juices so I guess this is more like a sparkler or a spritzer, but it's the way I like it and it's very pretty too! (Confession: I posted this about two hours before the party and had all the ingredients to make this, but ran out of time, so we just had wine and beer!)
      Best, Kristen

  4. What a beautiful rose!! Hope the buffet party went well. X

  5. Beautiful!!!! Thanks for the recipes.


  6. Beautiful, flat-out gorgeous yellow Pilgrim rose and thank you for the sangria recipe! Chloe


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