a new coat and a new giveaway

December 31, 2014

I loved knitting this so much, and love wearing it too.  I've been wanting a knitted coat for ever and when I saw this pattern I knew it would have to be mine!  The pattern is by Kim Hargreaves from her new book, Still and knit in the smallest size, so this runs a little large.  But that's good for a coat because I can wear a bulky sweater under it and it fits well.  The yarn is Rowan Brushed Fleece and is new for this fall/winter season.  It is the best bulky I've ever knit and also ranks as one of the nicest yarns I've ever knit.  It's very elastic and lofty, lightweight, billowy, almost like it has been jet-puffed.  I'm searching for descriptive words here because I can't compare it to any other yarn I've ever used or seen before. The lightness of this yarn allow you to make an entire coat and it won't be dense and heavy.  It's very lightweight. The best thing might be that it is so extrememely soft, next-to-the-skin-soft; jammies would be heaven it this, but I might never get out of bed. This yarn has turned me into a bulky fan!  I am in love with this coat and have been wearing it every day.

Brushed Fleece comes in a 50 gr. ball, has excellent yardage for a bulky at 115 yds. and is a blend of extra fine merino wool and baby alpaca.  It's divine, so divine that I'd like you to try it so I'm giving away a skein in the navy Cavern, and a copy of the companion book, Brushed Fleece by Martin Storey.  There are some gorgeous designs with cables, some cardigans, pullovers and capes, sixteen stunning designs in all for women and men.  I know you will have fun playing with the yarn and love the beautiful designs in the book.  To enter be a follower of Knitionary by either FB, Bloglovin, Feedly, by email, etc.--I know there's lots of ways--and leave your comment here.  But most important, make sure I know your contact info!  If you want to leave me with your email address, that's good, but your Rav ID is good too.  For a second chance you can leave a comment on my Facebook page under the post that shows the above picture.  Next week I'll announce the winner.  This giveaway is open internationally.  If you are reading this post in an email you can leave a comment here.  Good luck!  Edited 1/7/15 to add:  this giveaway is closed and a winner has been selected.

I'll leave you with some gorgeous images from the book, but you can view all of them here and learn more about Brushed Fleece here.  My Ravelry page for Darkness is here.

Love the neckline and the gorgeous cables.

So classic.

I love this one and may have to make it.  I'd love having it next to my skin!

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  1. I'd like to be a winner :-) babaruda on Rav :-)

  2. ok - you've got me interested! marble on Ravelry. (not that I EVER win anything. . . . :-D

  3. I would love to try Brushed Fleece! (Randomly, I think that model is my fantasy Charlie Weasley.) ;)

    Katinka on Ravelry

  4. Love the new coat and the yarn sounds dreamy. Carryover on Ravelry.

  5. Kristin - the coat is fabulous! And it looks wonderful on you.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveawau!
    I am seashoreknits on Rav!

  6. Great job on a perfect coat! Love it!

  7. I love the jacket and I would love to win! rizzyfrog on Revelry.

  8. I would love to try it. Your coat looks great.

  9. Thank you for such a nice giveaway. I would love to win!

  10. Oh, that cardigan! Love your coat -- I don't think I'd take it off, either! Thanks for the opportunity. KNITORIOUS on Rav.

  11. The coat is awesome! txlady129 on Ravb.

  12. I would want to live in that coat, too! It looks snuggly! I am a FB follower.
    Cyndi-ccaj on rav

  13. love the items.
    see why you want to have them as a project.
    I follow via bloglovin
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  14. If I win, a neck warmer would be my first choice before tackling a coat for Spring. Rav.ID MaidMarrion

  15. Love, love, love the coat. Would be fabulous to have on as we wait for the fireworks in London. Traveling this week. Granolahead on Ravelry.

  16. Thank you for the give-away - I'd love to win. Rav. ID Dianab13

  17. I'd love to knit something in this yarn. What an exciting giveaway!!
    knitmim on Ravelry

  18. I'd love to win! I'm JanetM52 on Ravelry! The projects in the book are awesome!

  19. I'm lovin' the bulky too! Rav amchart

  20. Great contest! Genevievep on ravelry

  21. Your coat turned out beautifully and that book looks like a must have!

  22. Gorgeous coat! I've just finished making the "Black" top from the same book, and I agree with your description of the yarn - it's an absolute pleasure to work with. I'd love to win the Brushed Fleece book, too, so I can have an excuse to use the yarn again :)

  23. love this coat! Use Rowan yarn a lot in my knitting. This yarn would be new for me.

  24. Wow, it's all beautiful! And your coat is gorgeous, I'd love to knit that too! ravelry id: laineyhf
    (and I apologize if this shows up twice, my first comment disappeared)

  25. Great job on the coat! I'm thinking of knitting Usk for my brother, so a chance at this is a good start! Rav ID: irishrust

  26. Wow your coat is gorgeous and I love the other patterns too. Thanks for sharing :-) Rav ID klothklicker

  27. Love! I hope my birthday wish will come true! Rowan yarns! N happy blessed New Year to you and your family. Rav ID : MichelleChua

  28. Love Still. So many lovely garments to knit. Love the coat, I'm very tempted! Just finishing Quiet.
    Raveley id Susie 946

  29. Great coat - looks so lovely and warm. The cable sweater is one of my favourites.
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  30. Already planning what I could knit with this lovely yarn on these cold winter nights!

  31. Great coat Happy New Year jlb01@verizon.net

  32. I too love this coat, will have to knit it in 2015. Rav ID Dawneej. Happy NewYear!!

  33. I love this coat too!!! Rav ID luvmypip

  34. Great coat and versatile colour............ Lovely. Rav name Louisson. Have a great New Year.!!!!

  35. Beautiful coat. It looks so warm and cozy.
    Rav ID knittingdancer

  36. I love how this coat looks on you. But then you are an incredible creative knitter. I am not sure it will have the same effect on me, but like to find out. btknits

  37. Oooh, I love it! I've had my eye on this pattern - it's nice to see it on a "real" person!

  38. What a great opportunity to win this my email is purple.beatty@gmail.com and I am prpleryal on Ravelry/

  39. What a gorgeous coat, it looks so cozy. Would love to try the yarn and win a copy of the book, thanks for a great giveaway! RavID - vixknitz

  40. beautiful patterns for this yarn. Fingers crossed I win

  41. forgot to add I'm LaurelFaye on Raverly

  42. I've never thought of knitting a coat, but I'm thinking now!
    hardwarequeen on Ravelry

  43. Looks like my comment from this morning didn't go thru. I've got one eye on the Ruby Red cardi, and the other on your beautiful navy coat. Thanks for the giveaway. KittenWhiplash on Rav and I follow you on blogger.

  44. I generally don't knit with bulky yarns, but this one does sound interesting, so enter me into the giveaway. My ravelry ID is bettyc and I already follow you on feedly

  45. I love the coat. What a great inspiration for new year knitting.

  46. Such a beautiful and cozy coat.
    I follow by email and look forward to all the wonderful knits of the new year!

    tktl on Ravelry

  47. very beautiful coat! I would love to try this new wool! Happy creative year
    liliamosaique on raverly

  48. Winning this would be a fantastic start to the new year.
    CablingKaren (on Ravelry)

  49. Love this! Love this! Beautiful coat, I dream of similiar one :)

  50. Your coat is gorgeous. I'd love to try the yarn.
    Lmecoll on Ravelry

  51. Not sure if my last comment actually made it, but this is a great way to introduce a new Rowan yarn. I'd love to explore it.
    (Rav ID is danielsj).

  52. So pretty! (Rav ID: jennifersuggars)

  53. There are some gorgeous patterns in that book! What an interesting yarn, sounds absolutely lovely! (Rav id Ginni)

  54. Delicious looking yarn and the patterns are great, too! Sue T. - RavID Sockie

  55. Love your coat! Haven't seen Brushed Fleece - would love to try it.

  56. Your coat looks great! Would love to try Brushed Fleece.
    warbler01 on ravelry.com

  57. Great looking coat and yarn too. I follow you via GFC

  58. I like almost every pattern in this book!! thanks for entering my name in your giveaway. You asked for a Ravelry name - mine is karenschneider.

  59. Lovely! This yarn and patterns are looking so tempting. Thanks for the great giveaway Rav: Ohlalalaine.

  60. Brilliant giveaway - fingers crossed

  61. This giveaway is awesome. Have my fingers and toes crossed. Enjoy your delicious coat. Thank you.:)

  62. Great designs - the coat looks lusciously soft. I'm a fan of yours on Facebook (asimplehomestd on Rav)

  63. Kristin! What a lovely giveaway! Happy 2015 to you and your family!
    The coat is simply beautiful. I follow Knitionary by email.
    astride is my name on Ravelry

  64. asteride on revelry not astride, sorry

  65. Wow, these patters look fabulous. I'm not sure what I would make first. Hope I win so I can find out. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Pam ROCknit Rav id

  66. Brushed Fleece by Rowan yarns sounds enticing the way you describe it--I would love to win that lovely shade of blue and Martin Storey's book too. A lovely start to the New Year . Hope we all have a Happy one!
    My name on Ravelry is Jenchung

  67. Happy New Year! Love the coat. Would love to win the skein of Brushed Fleece and the lovely book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  68. Thought I would double my chances. Hope to win and try out this lovely wool. Will come in handy in the -40 we are experiencing.

  69. Thanks for this lovely giveaway ! :-)
    I follow you on FB (coline touil) and GFC (Coline T.)

  70. I LOVE Martin Storey's designs.
    wahoomerryf on Ravelry

  71. Brushed fleece, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! Thank you so much for recommending Maree, I am loving that pattern! You look so cute in your new jacket!!!

  72. I love the coat. So soft it would feel great as a bathrobe!


  73. Following your blog as gfc-sandsoftime - shaunie

  74. Your coat looks fabulous on you. It sounds like this yarn is going to become very popular. I would love to give it a try. Applesnow on rav.

  75. These designs and this wool look perfect for a British winter! Silvercloud on Rav.

  76. Happy New Year! Your coat is stunning. I'd love to try the yarn.
    anaju on Ravelry

  77. Please enter me in the drawing. I love seeing your knitting projects! LBrown8655 on Ravelry.

  78. Your sweater is beautiful and I would love to win this giveaway!

  79. This coat is beautiful! I've already finished Fleet and Usk from this brochure. The yarn is gorgeous, soft and light as a feather, isn't it?

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