Autumn in California

November 07, 2012

Persimmons linger on the tree long after the leaves have fallen.

The Chinese Pistache is a very popular tree in my town because of it's reliable fall color.

My California garden teeters between summer and fall.  The last of the summer tomatoes next to fall's brilliant persimmons.  Red, red roses and the fiery leaves of our Chinese Pistache.  Weeds pop up everywhere, right next to the moss.  One day cold, next day hot.  Should we water?  Should we not?  Picked a big slicer this November morning and had it for breakfast with beans and eggs.   Salad sized tomatoes went into a fennel and tomato and chicken stew.  We are nursing a few tomato plants along, but their bedraggled selves look like they would rather be in the compost heap!

My newest knitting crush.

The combination of these three together, the perfect simple beauty of it,

But I'm putting this aside for now and going to save it for a driving trip we've got coming up.

Trying to finish a few WIP's that are crowding me out of my family room.
Will post knitting again soon!

11/8:  Edited to add:  

I could go on and on about persimmons. I understand they are not that common in other parts of the country, but they are a common seasonal treat here in Northern California, most neighborhoods have quite a few trees with neighbors willing to share. I generally see two types, one is a flatter one called a fuji and can be eaten when it is crisp, it's slightly sweet and tangy. We love them and they are great in salads or with yogurt or cottage cheese. The other kind is more heart shaped and are darker orange. They have to soften up after you pick them and the pulp is delicious eaten with a spoon. If you don't ripen this variety, they taste astringent. People make persimmon bread and cookies, persimmon jam and pies, etc. They are beautiful hanging on the tree after all the leaves have fallen.

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  1. Good morning, Kristen! I'm curious about this beans and eggs for breakfast thing. Is that a regional thing or is that just something you enjoy? I don't think I've ever had beans for breakfast, although I don't know why not. Heck, I've eaten cold meatloaf sandwiches for breakfast! :-) I've never eaten a persimmon, but I love the color and shape of them. So great that you have them right there at your beck and call! What do they taste like? Is it closer to the flavor of a tomato or something sweeter like an apple or peach? There are so many foods out there that I need to put on my bucket list to taste! Pretty yarn colors for your next project!

    1. Hi Alycia!

      As for the beans for breakfast, no, not regional at all! My husband and I eat a big breakfast of mostly vegetables on most mornings. We are trying to incorporate more veggies into our lives and breakfast seemed like a natural. So with that barrier broken, we now eat anything we fancy for breakfast, as long as it's healthy and has staying power with a certain amount of protein. I juice most mornings or we have green smoothies. But most often we have veggie soup I make in my Bullit from Costco. Sounds crazy I know, but this works for us.

      I could go on and on about persimmons. I understand they are not that common in other parts of the country, but they are a common seasonal treat here in Northern California, most neighborhoods have quite a few. I generally see two types, one is a flatter one called a fuji and can be eaten when it is crisp, it's slightly sweet and tangy. We love them and they are great in salads or with yogurt or cottage cheese. The other kind is more heart shaped and are darker orange. They have to soften up after you pick them and the pulp is delicious eaten with a spoon. If you don't ripen this variety, they taste astringent. People make persimmon bread and cookies, persimmon jam and pies, etc. They are beautiful hanging on the tree after all the leaves have fallen.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Beautiful vignette! And your gorgeous yarn reminds me of the two sweaters I wanted to get done before Christmas. Think I better get with the program! Enjoy your day. :-0

    1. Yes, perfect time to get knitting, today it is quite chilly!

  3. I completely forgot about persimmons! We like to slice the crunchy ones for a post dinner/ pre dessert snack. (we eat a lot) We'll have to pick some up at the Civic Center farmers market.

    I am so jealous of the Tea with Jam and Bread sweater! It's gorgeous and the perfect knit for this time of year. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  4. Your Shelter yarn and sweater are lookin' good!
    I'm 54 years old, lived in California most of my life and have never eaten a persimmon! I need to get on that : )


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