Meissa Pullover

January 25, 2025


I have a quick post to alert all quilt lovers of the cutest sweater pattern for you to knit!
I loved making it and love wearing it. Details below :)

The pattern is Meissa Pullover by Amy Christoffers of Savory Knitting. You probably know her from her popular Pressed Flowers patterns, but check out all her gorgeous patterns here. I have so many in my queue! The sweater below looks like a Lone Star quilt motif and is made with eyelets and tiny bobbles. It is knit top down with sport weight yarn. I made a custom 35" size and used some yummy yarn, Onling #15, now discontinued, too bad, but I would not hesitate to use any other yarn from Onling. Onling is a Danish company and I've ordered more yarn and have found that shipping is fast and quite inexpensive. The color is a pale pink/grey and since I'm having a Valentine's Party, I know what I'm going to wear! It's 100% Merino wool and is baby soft. Here is my Ravelry project page.  I'm not sure if this pattern looks difficult or no, but this type of sweater, a basic raglan top down is not only simple, but very easy to customize for a perfect fit. The motif is the most simple kind of lace and is charted. I used to have a passion for making quilts and when I saw this pattern, I knew I would have to make it. This combines my two loves!

Update on my new queen size blanket. I started to freak out with all the colors I had originally chosen and so decided to do neutrals instead. I know what I like and what I'm comfortable with and now there's no decision to make, I just pick one light to go with one dark. I use DK and worsted weights singly, and fingering and sport weights doubled. At this stage it's still small enough to bring for car knitting or knit group, and then when it gets enormous, it will have to stay home.

I'll see you on Monday. I'm just finishing up our master bath today and I've got some great money saving tips for you that has saved me oodles of cash over the last few years. 

Best wishes for a great weekend.


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  1. This looks like a sweater I would like to knit. Looks great on you! Onling yarn is really yummy to knit with. I am going to use their onling 1 for a vest pattern that
    I found. Please share how you knit so fast!!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I bet you would love knitting it too. I had never heard of Onling yarn until they had a sale and I read another blogger's post about how much she loved the yarn. I'm so glad I gave it a try. I have quite a bit more now and some good patterns to pair with them. I do knit fast, don't I? ;)

  2. I LOVE THAT SWEATER! I think it is too much of a challenge for me.

    1. Thank you, but I'm not so sure it's difficult. When following a chart you have to pay a bit of attention, but it's not hard.

  3. Beautiful sweater! I need very simple knitting these days so will enjoy it on you and others. Having second thoughts about my colored stripe blanket too. Thinking maybe interspersing one common neutral color every 10 rows to unify the look. But not sure that will work. Sewed dozens of garments for years but never really liked the process (just the outcome!) so no quilts for me but love to see others’ work. Was a big fan of Alex Anderson on HGTV. Chloe


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