blanket cast on

January 17, 2025

Wasn't it me who had vowed to never knit another blanket? I think so, but then here I am gathering yarn and casting on with stars in my eyes. Pictured here are my project leftovers from the last time I gathered leftovers a year (or was it two years?) ago. That's when I thought I had made my last blanket and professed to donate my leftovers. I've changed my mind! 

Why do I need another wooly blanket when we live in California and shouldn't really complain of the cold?  We actually do get cold because it does get down to the 30s and 40s and we turn the heat off when we head to bed. This winter we have been sleeping under one of my largest knitted wool blankets, and that plus two quilts and our new flannel sheets which we LOVE, we manage to stay cozy warm at night. (If you are in the market for flannel sheets, at this time they have a 20% off promotion so make sure you check the box.) No more electric blanket for us, yay! But the knitted blanket would be so much nicer if it was about 12 inches longer and wider to fit our queen bed. I'd like a little bit of overhang for wiggle room. This will be by far my biggest knit ever and it may take more than a year working on it on and off, and maybe I'll need more yarn than I have collected, but I know there will always be more! I'm using worsted and DK weights singly, and fingering and sport weights doubled.

I divided the yarn into what I guessed would be dark and light, took the photo and turned it into black and white to see the tonal values. I was unsure about the yellow but it came out as a light. I then separated them and put them into my biggest project bag and cast on for the simple and free garter stitch diagonal blanket. I'll alternate two-row light and dark stripes and increase until it fits the bed, then I'll start the decreases. This will be an at home project only and I imagine when the weather gets nice, this will be my patio project. It will be a nice knit when I don't feel like thinking.

Oops, I see one beige in the dark section that I have to move to the light section. If the colors look a little wild, I agree! This will be UNDER the bedspread so I can go as wild as I like.

I have finished several sweaters but just need some good modeled photos. Coming soon!

I just finished reading The Coworker by Freida McFadden. A good read with a nice twist at the end. As of this post, it's only .99 if you have a subscription to Audible, and free for your Kindle. Next up for me is Ward D. As of this post it's free if you have an Audible subscription and free on Kindle. I'm cleaning and posting about that on Monday. Have a good weekend. :)

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  1. I'll be curious to see how you decide what colors to use and where. What inspiration!! sharon s,

    1. Hi Sharon. Now I'm getting cold feet and wondering if I should just do black and white? I've half a mind to start adding reds and yellows right away and then there will be no going back!

  2. It was nice to read your post to see what you are knitting and reading. Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Love to read about your projects and recommendations. Long ago I decided to do the bedding like the Scandinavians do: each spouse has his/her own blanket or duvet. No more hoarding the covers!

    1. I have never heard of that! Brilliant! I sleep with a blanket hoarder, and when we make the bed together and it's obvious that all the blankets are pulled to his side, he accuses me of pushing blankets to his side in the middle of the night. Seriously.

  4. I can't wait to see the post of your new "quilt" pattern sweater.

    1. Ouuu, it's a goodie and was so fun to make.

  5. I have been working on almost exactly the same thing! But by Snufflebean using kfb instead of yo’s plus it has directions for lengthening the square if you want a rectangle. Using a hoard of Lion Brand. Love your book recommendations. Always want a book on my nightstand. Chloe

    1. There are so many great patterns available that gobble up our stash. I love so many of the Lion Brand products. We'll have to see the FO! Have your read any of those books by Freida? I'm finding that not all are great, but the great ones are really fun if you like mysteries.

  6. I am in the midst of knitting a blanket/throw. I made one that I finished as November was ending. I have knit a number of blanket/throws.
    I am always interested in knowing what others are making and what they want to make in the future.


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