
July 25, 2024

I've jumped into colorwork feet first and have not looked back. I'm having so much fun with it! My newest FO is Sipila from Caitlin Hunter of Boyland Knitworks. If there is another designer that makes cooler  designs than Caitlin, then I just don't know who that would be. Her designs are always fresh and up to the minute. Come on in for all the juicy details!

Sipila is knit top down and starts with a rolled neck which I love for its simplicity. When I found that the sleeves were getting too long I stopped short of the last several rows of the chart and knit a half dozen rows of stockinette for a matching rolled hem on the sleeves. I'm happy with the effect. The chart was written with light squares for the contrast color and dark squares for the main color, but my contrast was dark and main was light and it took real brain power to switch it around in my head.

The yarn is Rowan Island Blend Fine, a lovely yarn with a beautiful pedigree, and I bought it on deep sale. When Rowan has a sale, they are typically 60% off, so I make sure to stock up. I always alert you about their sales, but to get the info directly from Rowan, take this link and in the center near the top of the of the page, click on "Join us for e news and offers" and fill in your email. You might need to check you email and confirm your choice, I'm not quite certain. They will not inundate you with too many emails, but if you do find it too much, you can always unsubscribe. The emails are about events, KALs, new patterns and yarns and a few times a year they have close out sales alerts.

I also just got an alert this morning that Knit Picks is having a 30-40% off sale on their knitting needles. Knit Picks are my favorite needles and I use them almost exclusively, both circulars and straights. They have a lovely feel with sharp points, and the circulars also have smooth joins and flexible cords. They are the best needles I have ever used and have used them for at least a decade now. My preferences are the wood and the nickel plated. Here's the link to take you straight to their needle sale. The sale is through July 29.

It was my birthday yesterday and to celebrate I made a batch of cookies, picked a pretty bouquet, made another huge harvest and then my guys took me out to dinner. 

A question I always get is regarding critters, and yes, we do have rats and squirrels that cause us no end of problems. We also have raccoons that come up from the creek and a bunny that lives in the front yard. I know when I see one bunny, there are more for sure, but I was told our wild bunnies don't live very long. We have predators that come in from the creek and even though we live in suburbs that were established over 80 years ago, we still have coyote sightings, often looking for water as the creek is dry all summer.

Large dinnerplate dahlias, cosmos, shasta daisies and zinnias
along with some fennel seedpods

Peanut butter cookies from a Betty Crocker mix from The Dollar Tree. You'd think I'd be embarrassed to tell you how good these are, but I'm not :) The Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix is really good too. They are nice to have on hand when you need to satisfy an urgent sweet tooth.

You won't believe what I found in my sewing room to work on as my new patio project. This is a vintage baby quilt top for embroidery printed on a high quality cotton fabric. I bought it for a song on eBay years ago and even though I've cleaned and decluttered my sewing room many times over the years, this little gem always made the cut. I have no need to keep it, no baby to give it to, and no earthly reason to make it, but making it I am. It's just too cute to ignore any longer and will be nice to have as a patio project. It's an easy project to pick up and put down, and it's very lightweight and cool. I'm not really sure if anything like this is even desired by young mothers these days, but oh well!

Maybe someone can help me date it. I wish the pictures were better. I'm thinking pre 50s but post 20s, so either 30s or 40s. What do you think?

In each corner there's a little girl carrying either a cake or a basket.
The entire quilt is has a lazy daisy border.

Can you spot the little numbers on the skirt and sleeves? I think this must have been a kit and came with other fabric pieces to applique, but I'll just ignore them and embroider on the lines and hope the numbers wash out.

Don't hold your breath that this will be finished anytime soon.

Also in my unfinished sewing projects box are these needlepoint Christmas ornaments. I guess I have a thing for bunnies! I don't know when I'll get to them, but they would make great travel projects.

I hope you enjoyed my post and will consider becoming a follower of the Knitionary blog. If yes, please click here. I won't sell your email so no need to worry about that sort of thing. I try to send out one post a week, usually about knitting but also about my other loves--gardening, crafts and entertaining. Sometimes I use affiliate links in my posts to help offset the costs of running a blog. If you click on an affiliate link and purchase an item, I may earn a little money. If you purchase the item using my affiliate link or not, the price will be the same. Purchasing from my affiliate links adds no cost to you but could put a little money in my pocket. Thank you for supporting the blog. If you'd like to make a comment, please scroll down. I reply to each comment and that response will appear directly below your comment. If you would like a personal reply, please know that I use the Blogger platform and they do not give me your contact information when you comment. If you would like a personal reply, you can contact me using the contact form on the right side at the very end of my website

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  1. I would not believe the cookie story if it had come from anybody else but you. I bet we can make peanut blossom cookies with that peanut butter mix.

    1. Yes! I bet you can. I'm going to try it and report back! I used to make my husband's mother's recipe because it's his favorite cookie of all time, but since I rarely make them and we saw this mix at Dollar Tree, we said, what the heck. We're sold and have been buying these little packets for years now!

    2. In fact my grandson is here next week so that will be one of our activities.

  2. Good morning Kristen,
    I have been enjoying your blog for a few years now...I always look forward to it...I am also a knitter and a big reader...I was wondering since you are doing such great color work if you have any tips...I started a cowl with fish, shells and an octopus on it, but I am really struggling to get my color work not too tight...I know it takes practice, but I have kinda abandoned this project...I got the kit at Monarch knitting in Pacific Grove, great store. Any tips would be appreciated.

    1. Oh my gosh, I'm so new at it that I don't really have tips, but I do know that I have to really stretch my stitches on the right needle before I change colors. I have also taught myself to knit English style (I'm a thrower anyway) with the MC with my dominant (right) hand, and pick (continental style) with the CC with my non-dominant hand, so I hold the the CC in the left hand. I can only do it if there is not a lot of stitches to knit on with the CC non-dominant hand. If there are too many stitches, then I have to drop the MC and pick up the CC with my right hand. I hope that makes sense to you. I also keep the CC on my left side and it goes over the MC that I keep on my RS. Hope this is clearer than mud. I'd love to know the pattern. Love octopuses and love Monarch.

    2. Hi Kristen ....thanks for your tips...I sorta knit the same way ...and trying to really stretch the stitches ....but it is slow work for me...thank goodness it is a small project if I ever finish Pacific Knit Co...called Ocean Doodle Cowl...I am a docent at Pt Lobos and thought it would look cute with my jacket this Fall and winter...


    3. Oh I thought it might be a doodle cowl. I'm feeling tempted. Lucky you to live in the prettiest place in the world, in my opinion! That part of the California coast is truly breathtaking.

  3. Happy belated birthday! You're like Martha Stewart but relatable. Thank you for sharing your passions with us!

  4. Dear Marth…er, Kristen! Love your Sipila. Caitlin is the best. Dollar Tree is great for cafting supplies, according to my huge crafter friend. Chloe

  5. Dear Kristen! Love your Silica! Caitlin really is one of the best. My huge crafting friend says dollar stores are the best place for crafting supplies. Happy Birthday! Each birthday I am thankful I can still get up in the morning:)!! chloe

    1. Ha ha! Thank you! Our Dollar Tree is near our grandson's house and whenever we go there we try to stop to pick up a few goodies. My husband likes their popcorn. I have also bought organizing supplies and kids crafts and paint. You never know what you'll find at Dollar Tree.

  6. Sorry for the repetition. I have trouble posting here! chloe


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