Top O' The Morning to Ya!

March 02, 2024

Top o' the mornin' to ya! Honestly, I had zero intention of making peg doll Leprechauns, but when I saw this downloadable printable box from one of my favorite Etsy sellers, I sighed, knowing all too well that wee Leprechauns were in my future. I had so much fun creating them; they made me smile! When I'm in my craft room my husband likes to come in and see what I'm up to. He took one look, grinned and said, "But we're not Irish." I said, "And yet we're having corned beef and cabbage next week." 💚

We don't need to be Irish to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

To make the dolls you'll need: 

To make the Leprechaun:
  • Paint the body green, let dry.
  • Paint a 1/4" black belt around his waist, let dry.
  • Cut a 6" length of roving and separate out a finger's width piece. For his beard, wrap roving several times around his neck and chin and secure with a large dab of glue. If you need some roving, see below.
  • Cut and sew hat seam on the outside using template. See below if you want the template.
  • Glue hat on head and add embellishment.
  • With a dull toothpick, dab into paint and dot eyes in black and a red nose/mouth. Space the eyes farther apart than you think, it looks better wide spaced. The nose/mouth goes directly underneath.
  • Glue on gold button for buckle. You can also dab on glue and sprinkle gold glitter for his buckle.
To make the box:
  • Purchase and download this box template. This one is adorable too. Slip the box download into your software. I use Mac's Pages. Size the box to your own specifications. My box measured approximately 4.75" by 3.5" folded and finished. Make the box top a scant bit larger so it will easily fit over the bottom. 
  • Print on cardstock, I liked using 60 lb. as it's easy to print and cut and holds up well.
  • Cut out, then glue and secure the glued tabs with clips while drying.
  • Use double sided sticky back tape or tabs to secure dolls to box.
I have a lot of the roving leftover and if you'd like me to cut off a 6" piece for you, probably enough to make 3-4 dolls, DM me. US addresses only. My email is on the right hand side of my website. Same for the hat template. LMK if you need that.

I'm saving one for me, one for my grandson, one for my neighbors, and the rest I'm taking to a dinner next Friday night to hand out to my gal pals who all have small grandchildren. I hope the children enjoy them as much as I love making them.

In first grade, the students in our school district make elaborate Leprechaun traps made out of shoeboxes with popsicle stick ladders. They decorate them with sure-fire lures that Leprechauns can't resist: rainbows, pots of gold, and shamrocks. I can't wait to hear about my grandson's creation. It's quite exciting because at age 6 they have the most eccentric ideas and fantastic imaginations. I think the little dolls would have to give him an edge, don't you think? I'll let you know. 💚

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  1. My husband sounds like your husband (men are so literal). Unfortunately he doesn’t like cabbage. But there might be some Irish soda bread in his future.😉. Chloe

    1. Ahhh, soda bread! I forgot about that. I seem to remember I have a very simple recipe. I'm going to look that up.

      I try to celebrate most holidays whether they pertain to us or not. Mexican food all year, but esp. on May 5. Latkes during Hanukah, but the rest of the year I call them rosti. And corned beef and cabbage in March. I finally figured out that roasting it is way better than boiling. Like a totally different everything! And no smell! Really, I don't know if I'll make corned beef this year, but if I do, we'll have corned beef hash the next day and we both love that.

  2. The Leprechauns are adorable! You are sooooo creative.

  3. I love that crafting can bring joy even when it's not for a specific holiday.


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