the cutest pointy hat and my flower garden

July 08, 2023

This hat! This little project took barely two evenings to make and each stitch made me smile. The yarn, Barrett Wool Co. Home Worsted Weight, is 100% wool and lovely and soft with a great plumpy, cottony feel while knitting. I'm certain it will be next-to-skin soft as a kitten. The pattern is fun to make and completely adorable. It's perfect for scraps but I've always wanted to try this particular yarn and they had little kits on sale (as of this posting, they are still on sale). The kit has enough yarn to make two hats, probably three depending on the size you make and if you decide to add any of your stash. I added some orange and white from my stash to add some punch and bright contrast. This is going to be my new go-to baby hat pattern. It's a snap to make and the only fiddley part is the very end when you make the point and have just a few stitches on 4 needles. Torture for a few rounds but you soon get to the end and the funny i cord tip. A very nice knit! Please come on in for the links and for more pictures of my pretty flower garden. 

Stripey Point Hat by Susan B. Anderson

Home Worsted Weight from Barrett Wool Co.

Folks, this yarn is a winner. I tried it out with a little kit that was on sale, and of this posting, it's still on sale.  The kit comes with a free code for the hat pattern. I purchased version 1 color and augmented with two colors from my own stash. I loved this yarn and will definitely use it again. It also comes in a fingering weight.

My Ravelry project page

Now let's head out into the garden on this pretty sunny morning. The sun is peeking out through puffy white clouds that are studded across a bright blue sky. Today will be a gorgeous summer day! After I last posted, and after complaining about how cool it's been, the weather shot into the 80s and 90s and gave the garden a huge growth spurt. We are back into the 70s again which is more comfortable but still good growing weather because it's sunny. I have a ton of flower garden photos here and a few vegetable garden pics, but I'll share a better veggie garden post later in the month. We have begun our harvest of strawberries, green beans, summer squash, cucumbers and onions but will have to wait a bit more for tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. 

Our back flower bed is large, 20'x80' and takes a huge amount of flowers that I start from seed in my greenhouse. The backbone of this garden are the perennials such as wisteria, hydrangea, camellias, and white Shasta daisies. We also have a few roses and a corner where we have some peonies and jasmine, and another sunny corner filled with day lilies. The entire back portion of the bed is covered by a lath feature that has two wisteria growing up over the top of it. We have this for privacy and to hide the house that is behind us. The bright white Shastas, the color bombs of zinnias (I plant 200 seedlings) and the long racemes of our wisteria put on a good show for us. The garden awakens in late winter with a few peonies that make my heart melt. Soon after the wisteria blooms, and after that the Shasta Daisies followed by the annuals, zinnias and cosmos. The entire time the hydrangeas are holding steady and will stay on until they turn from bright pink to dusty rose in the early autumn. The daisies bloom early and will last until the heat of August, and at that time when I have to cut them back, the heat loving zinnias will have completely taken over. You can see in the pictures below that zinnias are already making a good show. Zinnias often get overlooked because of their bright lollipop colors and gardeners think they are too gaudy, but breeders are now making lovely soft colors such as the popular Queen Lime Series. I grew the Queen Limes for a few years and did love them and may go back to them, but I think for our garden, being so far from the house, the bright colors are best, plus my husband prefers the brighter colors. These zinnias are so bright I wouldn't be surprised if they can be seen from outer space! When the zinnias do take over I'll be sure to get some good pictures and share the varieties I planted. But in the meantime, doesn't this little hat just take the cake?

We have a dahlia bed of about 50 plants on the side of our house. They are just starting to bloom!

The hydrangea bush in our front got so big that it's swallowing up our flag!

showy zinnias

We have a magnolia in our front yard. The blooms have a lemony vanilla scent.
This tree is outside my knitting room, I keep the windows open and the fragrance is heavenly. 

My husband prefers the bright pink hydrangea but I love this soft pink one.

Remember when I complained when our neighbors replaced our shared fence that was magnificently covered in ivy? All that gorgeous green that we had nurtured and trimmed for decades, gone in a day. I was completely gutted over it and couldn't bear to look at it for the longest time. Now I'm feeling a little better because the ivy is now growing up the new fence. I'm hoping in a year we will have another ivy wall. Fingers crossed. 

Lily of the Nile in the front yard.

It looks like a jungle out there!

Look at that sky!

And now let's go into the vegetable garden.

Lots of tomatoes, but still green. Some are turning slightly orange. Another week perhaps?

I pretty much pick these and eat them on the spot.

The bean tower is always a stunning garden feature.

I took the veg garden pictures late in the afternoon when the setting sun behind the fence cast these striking shadows. 

I always like a big vase of summer flowers next to my kitchen sink.

The first harvest of green beans is small and can fit into my hand. Soon I'll be picking tons!

The first real summer harvest is a tiny one. I made a green bean salad and a batch of pickles with this. From top, bumpy cucumbers that I grow for pickling, plus parsley, green beans, dill, spring onions and a zucchini. I'll make sure to make a big garden post when I'm into full harvest and will share the varieties I like to grow.


Read about our peonies here. I love this post.
Carter was so tiny and always wanted to help his Papa in the garden. 

I recently finished a pretty shawl, so have that post to make. Next week we are hosting an outdoor party for our dinner group and I hope to get nice pictures and some good recipes to share. We are going to Watsonville in Santa Cruz County either this week or next to pick ollalieberries (whenever the farmer tells us they are ripe) so I can make a few pies and lots of jam. It's close to Castroville, the artichoke capitol of the world, so it's certain we'll stop off at a vegetable stand to buy some huge globe artichokes and then have a late lunch at Moss Landing before heading home. I also plan to make jam from my generous neighbor's plum tree. Please don't wince, but I'm starting to think about some Christmas decorations to make and I have a few fun ideas. July is not too early for the crafter to start Christmas plans! So besides those posts and a few garden and harvest posts that I plan to make, I will have some good content to share this summer and that always makes me happy.

Below I have some fun pictures of my friend, who turned 100 last year, and me having coffee the other morning. You can see how much I adore him. He's a wonderful guy and we meet once a month for a chat. Midway through our visit my husband called and said he was in town and asked where we were so he could pop by and say hello. He showed up in his shiny '62 Corvette, and that was it, off they went! I cannot compete with a little red Corvette.

Goodbye friends. I hope you have a good week full of sun, friends and knitting. If you'd like to make a comment, please scroll down. I reply to each comment and that response will appear directly below your comment. If you would like a personal reply, please know that I use the Blogger platform and they do not give me your contact information when you comment. If you would like a personal reply you can contact me using the contact form on the right side at the very end of my websiteIf you would like to receive Knitionary posts by email, please subscribe here

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  1. Lovely pictures that took my breath away. I'd do anything to be sitting on that little chair in your garden!

  2. Spectacular flowers, love the mix!

  3. What beautiful flowers. That hat is adorable..
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. Oh thanks girls! It's always nice to hear from you!

  4. Beautifully written and photographed. Your garden is out of this world.

  5. Oh, Kristen, you said the magic word - peonies. My favorite flower. Of course they are all beautiful and I like the bright zinnias the best, too. The whole post was just gorgeous. Chloe

  6. ditto to all the above remarks . I can't even imagine planting 200 seedlings. The results are gorgeous.

  7. Your gardens are so pretty! Always love reading your posts. Would you please share some of your jam recipes?


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