on the needles in June and two book recommendations

June 08, 2022

My June knitting so far has been colorful and easy. Something about the approach of summer I guess, but I want to keep everything simple with no deadlines, no making to fit, no looking at graphs, just easy peasy pleasy.

I've finished the bunting flags--all 100 of them--I think, although I haven't counted them. I do know that I'll miss knitting them! With the same colorful stash I'm knitting the Painting Bricks lap blanket and almost 3/4 done with that. I found myself reaching only for the brights, so I've started a second, pastel only version. The new one is on my patio and waiting for me for when I want to sit outside and knit and listen to the birds chirp. I've also started a new Candy Cane Scarf, a free pattern from yours truly. And then when I feel like knitting with skinny yarn and tiny needles I work on my 14 Color Scarf. Lastly, I haven't forgotten the little advent stockings. They are on hold but I will get back to them in earnest once I finish at least one afghan.  Project links are in the caption of each picture below and ALL are knit from stash. Yee gads, my monster stash sure translates into a lot of projects!

The real reason for today's post is because I have two book recommendations that I love to bits. First is The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles. It's scrumptious. It's the early 1950s in the midwest and two brothers have an adventure and meet interesting characters along the way. Our heros and their companions have a bit of Frank Capra in them, a bit of Mark Twain, and a splash of Damon Runyon too. Heartwarming.

The second is The Boys, a Hollywood memoir by Ron Howard (child actor and now director) and brother Clint Howard. It's a sweet story about a somewhat ordinary family who happens to be in the glaring Hollywood limelight and manage to be nothing like the Hollywood brat pack we heard so much about. The audiobook is read by the authors. Entertaining.

LMK if you've read either as I'd love to know what you think. Also, any book recommendations?

Painting Bricks. This brights version is 3/4 finished.

Candy Cane Scarf--free pattern by me!  I recently updated some of my patterns and you may get an update notice, but no need to reprint. The update updates some non essential info like my website name.

When I want to work with tiny needles I get out my 14 Color Wrap.
OK, this was not from stash, but a kit I just had to have!

These little sweeties are just too darling and fun. I've put them aside for now, 
but will get back to them in a few weeks. 

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  1. Kristin, love your recommendations. I just finished my second triangle and you’re right it is so much fun. Like potato chips. Don’t know what LMK means (a person?) but here goes: Had been considering The Lincoln Highway because I loved his first book. Now I will read it for sure. The Boys sounds great for an audiobook. I like showbiz biographies particularly women my age. Enjoyed the first half of Hayley Mills autobiography, second half showed the results of her being deprived of a good education, so was a bit sad. Really enjoyed Katie Couric’s book. She writes like a journalist - short bursts. Me also, reading, knitting, drinking wine outdoors - divine. Hope I haven’t gone on too much. Chloe

  2. Yeah, wouldn’t that be great! But I live across the country on the east coast, unfortunately. I have always loved your blog, Kristen, for the knitting and tablescapes and lifestyle descriptions. It provides so much inspiration. And now similar book choices. Who knows, one day our paths may cross! Thanks for the “translation” of LMK. I’ve never gotten farther than IMHO. I feel really hip now. Chloe

  3. My recommendation is Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver.

    1. I love her. I'll put it on hold. Thank you!

  4. Kristen, I too enjoy your blog, recipes and knits, (I'm CherylO on Rav). While not a new book, I am rereading 'The Little Paris Bookshop' by Nina George and loving it (again!) Happy Knitting!

    1. Thank you! Just put it on hold on my library app!

  5. If you think The Lincoln Highway was good, which it was. You've got to read A Gentleman in Moscow also by Towes. It is fabuIous! love your knitting and gardening too. Judy

    1. Yes yes! Loved A Gentlemen in Moscow too! Thank you Judy.

  6. Thank you for bringing the pattern for Little Advent Stockings to my attention. I finished four last week and the special stitch-on buttons have arrived. Could you please share how you plan to display them (for your grandson, I presume!) come Advent? Thank you!

    1. Oh great! Yes I will show how I display them once I finish, probably sometime this summer. You are correct, they are for my grandson and I will either string them across the fireplace in our family room (where he stores his toys) or put them in a basket. Thank you, Kristen

  7. Thanks for sharing the blog so well and I hope you have something new for me to study.


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