Christmas at our House 2020

December 09, 2020

My grandson is very enthusiastic about Christmas; he's like a popcorn kernel ready to explode when he arrives in the morning. I have given him a good amount of freedom to play with the Christmas pretties, (the exception being the living room tree above with the fragile glass ornaments) and all this freedom has made for some interesting Christmas tableaus: Rudolph and Olaf in the manger and dinosaurs in the Christmas village. I think he is getting his stories mixed up! 

I keep an old set of Lincoln Logs in my knitting room and sometimes he'll get an idea to play with them. I love it when he does because it means I get to sit and knit while he plays. At Christmastime this room has the added attraction of having my homemade ornament tree which he has free reign over. He chatters to himself while he takes the ornaments on and off then rearranges them, but more likely scatters them around the room. Sometimes he'll tell me a story (this how I learned that a polar bear lives in his backyard) and all the while I'm knitting. It's very nice! My Homemade ornaments tree is below.

We are staying cozy and quiet this Christmas and I imagine you are too. We've been taking after-dinner walks with the dog to see the neighborhood Christmas lights and that seems like a big, exciting outing. I told my girlfriend I had gone to the ATM and the pharmacy in the morning and she said, "Oh, how exiting" and she meant it, LOL. We took a Sunday drive around town like we were living in the 1950s. After a while my husband said, "Where do you want to drive to now?" and I said, "Anywhere, just not home quite yet". As homebody hermity as I am, even I seem to have my limits. But still, we are having a dandy Christmas in many many ways and I sincerely hope you are too.

We've been baking too. Another post coming up.

Take care.


I made this Raggedy Ann and Andy set from a Bucilla kit sometime in the 70s. I did a little search and found one kit on Ebay. Looks like the original price was $4 and I think the asking price of $18 is not bad considering. Hold on--I found it again for only $10.

I made dozens and dozens of needlepoint ornaments in the 70s and 80s. The craft was always considered a luxury craft, and now it's more expensive than ever. I made a few of the little bunnies and have one on both trees. I have two more bunny canvases on hand to stitch when the needlepoint bug bites again. And I'm sure it will.

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  1. Oh, if I lived in America, I would make sure I lived next door to you. What a wonderful Chrismas you will have. Bless you all. Best wishes from Victoria.

    1. Oh you are too funny. We would sit and knit all day! Thank you and best wishes to you and your this Christmas. xo Kristen

  2. I truly enjoy looking at everyone's Christmas tree decorations-every one is unique & reveals the person/famiy personality. Did you craft the snowflakes? They're gorgeous!

    1. Yes. I love to see all the blogger's trees, especially the ones styled with one or two colors or with a theme. I have a jumble of beautiful ornaments so I can never create a themed tree. The large snowflakes are from Ikea last year or two years ago, the medium and smaller ones are from Crate and Barrel this year. I bought this set: and also five tiny snowflake ornaments from C and B. I think they may be sold out now though. I bought them online in November.

  3. How beautiful and Chrstmasy everything is. Years ago there was a needlepoint shop in a medical building where we had frequent appointments. I would gaze longingly at all the finished samples knowing this was simply not my craft. Trust me. The needlework expert who lived across the street pronounced my 9-year-old daughter's first efforts far better than mine.:-).). This same neighbor - a lovely lady despite her bluntness - performed the Herculean task of needlepointing all the kneelers in her Episcopal church. I think of her every time I see your beautiful work . Chloe

    1. Oy yes, I remember those ladies who would needlepoint the kneelers! That upholstery will last forever! You know, if you want to take up needlepoint again, just to give it a wee whirl, I would go with a printed canvas kit, like one from Bucilla. They are very inexpensive and a good way to start. I used a Bucilla kit a few years ago for Carter's stocking and it came out every bit as pretty as the expensive hand-painted canvases. There is room in the world for both! But needlepoint is addictive, so if you think you'd rather spend your time knitting, then stay away! LOL

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. Happy Merry Christmas to you! Kristen


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