Happy Thanksgiving

November 22, 2017

Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving and we surely have a lot to be thankful for this year! Our grandson has been with us for 3 days while his parents are on a wee vacation. They are coming back today in time for his first Thanksgiving and a Thanksgiving that we will all surely treasure. Even with him here I was able to get a lot done. The picture above is some candy made during a nap. This post writing is during another nap--thank heavens he is a good napper! Tonight when he's gone it will be pie making time and after that it's feet up, needles in hand.

It's a tradition around here to pop in on friends and neighbors for short visits the days before and the days after Thanksgiving; kids are home from school and want to see each other and folks who have moved away and are back for Thanksgiving want to make the rounds. And when there is a new baby, most people, happily, put you on the visiting list. We have never been so popular! Carter is all flirty smiles most of the time and so gave a fair amount of them to visitors during his stay. I noticed I don't really have many pictures of me with Carter and a friend took these last night. He had missed his late afternoon nap and so was feeling a bit pooped, so no smiles, but he held up bravely and would be held by everyone. This morning he woke up all smiles and so I dressed him in something cheery.

Carter is four months old now and so much fun. He is getting a lot easier and seems like a baby now and not so much of an infant. He loves to be sung to and danced with. He loves walks in the garden and wants to touch leaves and bark and moss. He pats while I talk and he listens intently. I pick lemon leaves and rosemary and mint and really just anything I think might have a scent, rub it between my fingers and hold it up to him. He sniffs and sniffs, it's so funny. He knows just what to do as we have been doing this since he was a newborn. We call it our sniffy walk and do it a few times a day. I love every minute with this little guy. We have a lot in common with both of us loving the Eensy Weensy Spider so much.

I went old school with my table and used my aunt's Lenox Harvest. The kids said they like it and want to take it one day, so this table setting is a little reminder that it's theirs for the taking! If you are celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope your day is special and you find it easy to find things to be thankful for. If you are hosting, don't get too pooped out! Best, Kristen

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am thankful for all the lovely moments in your life that you share with us !

  2. Hi Kristen,
    Happy Thanksgiving! Carter is growing so quickly! Beautiful! Great pictures of Grandma and Carter.
    Enjoy your Family and Friends today!

    1. Awww, thank you Leslie! Enjoy the holidays with your visiting family!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. Your photos bring back happy memories. C

    1. Thank you. Sounds like you live in the US at one time!

  4. Love your baby's sweater!

    1. Thank you. It is the Isaac Sweater by Linda Whaley. xo

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I have a question on The hat in the October 3 post. Which size to knit for your grandson. Looking for sizing guidance.

    1. Thank you Diane. I made the second size, baby. It will fit for a while. I also made the newborn size for a 1 month old and that was good.

  6. Thanks for such a warm-hearted Thanksgiving post, Kristin. Carter certainly looks like he is the product of a lot of love. Chloe

  7. “Sniffy walk”. That’s cute! Carter will grow up with fine-tuned olfactory senses. That’s a good thing! I’m so glad you and your family are enjoying one another’s good company over this Thanksgiving holiday!


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