Baby Dress and Cardi and a surprise offer!

November 09, 2017

Today I have the Norwegian Fir Baby Cardigan and Lil' Rosebud Baby Dress to show, both by OGE Knitwear Designs. I don't know if I've loved a knitted ensemble so much. This might be my most favorite of all the baby patterns I've ever made. Both patterns were so well written, such FUN to knit, and turned out so pretty, that I'm beyond thrilled. The patterns are completely seamless and knit top-down in garter stitch. The fir lace pattern that forms the raglan and cascades down the dress is easy to memorize and appropriate for an enthusiastic beginner. I was sailing along after one or two repeats.  The pattern comes with schematics and row by row instructions and is very easy to follow. This charming gift will be sent off next week to Washington DC to a new mama whom I've know since she was born. I think it will fit in spring--maybe her Easter dress? I'm smiling now imagining it.

Vera, the designer behind OGE Knitwear, designs exclusively and beautifully for babies and children. When I contacted her and told her how much I enjoyed her patterns, she very generously offered my readers a 25% discount on both patterns from today through November 17th, 2017, 12PM AEST. Upon checkout, use the coupon code KNITIONARY to receive your 25% discount on either cardigan and dress or both. To get the discount on both,  you must put both in your cart and purchase at one time.

Meet the designer! In a few days be on the lookout for a pretty post about the woman behind OGE Knitwear and see more of her beautiful designs. You'll be hard-pressed on what to make next.

For this set I used Berroco Corsica in Conch, a pale dusty pink. This yarn is a sport weight blend of 90% cotton and 10% cashmere and is available in muted, heathered colors. This was my first time knitting with Corsica and I fell in love. I do adore cotton but I am very picky and I've only found a few I like, and because of that I'm leery to try a new cotton. But on the recommendation of the charming folks at my lys, I decided to give Corsica a try. The brilliant addition of cashmere gave the cotton more life and body and added softness. Corsica is not splitty or stringy and has a very easy hand. Give it a try the next time you are looking for a sport weight cotton.

Lil' Rosebud dress by OGE Designs, sizes 3 mos. to 6 yrs.
Norwegian Fir by OGE Designs, sizes 3 mos. to 9 yrs.
Use the coupon code KNITIONARY for 25% off.
I used 2 skeins for each, 4 in total.
More details on my Ravelry pages, cardigan and dress.

The back of the cardi.

The faux seam on the back of the dress is nautrally created when switching back and forth from knit to purl to achieve garter stitch while working in the round. 

 The dress itself did not need wet-blocking but the hem needed a bit of straightening. I threaded US0000/1.25mm knitting needles through the bind off stitches. Next I wet the hem, patted it to shape and and let it dry.

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  1. Another beautiful creation.

  2. Adorable! Love the color you picked. I checked out her Rav page-such beautiful designs. I wish I had babies to knit for!

  3. As a maybe-someday future grand I have favorited several of the patterns. Also, I thought it was very clever how Vera implies the gender of her bunny's unisex jacket merely by the color and how she folded its little collar :-) Chloe

    1. It's those subtle little touches that make her page so charming!


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