baby tricorn hat

October 25, 2017

One can't help but giggle at this funny little jester hat. The pattern is Del's Triple Corner Hat available in three baby sizes and is offered as a free download from Jessie McNaughton. I'm so happy that the kids love Carter in knitted hats just as much as I do. He looks so dang cute we just giggle our way though the photo shoots. He'll only spare us a few minutes so we have to be quick! I knit this using less than one skein of my favorite Rowan Softyak DK in color Terrain. The hat is knit from the bottom up starting with the earflaps, then it's knitted straight up until it's time to bind off for the corners. I loved the ingenious way the designer made the corners--so easy and so effective!

the links:

Del's Triple Corner Hat, free pattern from Jessie McNaughton
Rowan Softyak DK, soft and machine washable
My Ravelry project page with all the details

Readers have asked what is under those hats--any hair? Not really, there is just a cute little bald head! This morning his papa read a Golden Book to him and then he showed off by standing.

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  1. He is getting so big, love the hat, what a good boy to let you take so many pictures!

    1. Thank you Margie. Yes, he is a good sport about the photos, but you cannot believe how speedy we are! It takes maybe a minute and a half and we are done!

  2. Again, the photos are adorable. I did not find the usual “if you want to leave a comment….” on this Knitionary.

    Wait a minute…isn’t today Terry’s golf day?


    1. Thank you for noticing that. I just edited my post to include it. Yes, T played golf today; these pictures were taken early this morning before he left. Babies wake up early, don't they?

  3. What a cutie pie! They should use one of your pictures on the pattern page.

  4. Keep knitting hats! They are so cute on your little grandson. I've added them all to my queue for when I have a grandchild of my own. Slightly jealous here in Ohio.

    1. Thank you Ohio! You are going to love having a grand, especially if you are a knitter!

  5. What a beautiful picture of grandpa reading to baby! Love it!

    1. Thank you! He loves to be read to, but can only sit for 5 or 10 minutes, which I think is long for a 3 1/2 month old baby. He is just like his daddy that way, just loved to be read to. I saved his daddy's books and we read to him from the same ones.

  6. Who could resist that sweet little face. What a great Grandma you are. So full of talent.

    1. Thank you Linda. He is a little dear. I got to spend an hour with him yesterday and will have him for the entire day tomorrow. I am very lucky they are so close by.


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