field trip berkeley

July 08, 2017

Hello there!  Last week I had a fun outing with a fun and crafty friend, shopped, took pictures, and came home with some swag. Tinsel Trading Co. has been around for decades, getting close to the century mark, and was a favorite pilgrimage on my infrequent visits to NYC.  I heard they lost their lease (sad) and moved to Berkeley, CA, (joy!) less than an hour from my home. The Tinsel Trading Company is definitely one of my most favorite shops in the world. If you are visiting nearby San Francisco and have an extra day to explore across the bay, and if you are of the crafty persuasion, you won't be disappointed, I promise. This is one special store that is chockablock with vintage trims, appliques, buttons, ribbons, ornaments--the list is endless. Tinsel is special enough on it's own, but right next store is a fun jewelry shop called Favor and it's too cute not to stop in for a quick look, except we stayed too long and thus ran out of time to stop for lunch. Bonus: Acme Bread is up the block on the corner. Next, drive south on San Pablo for 2 miles and a visit to A Verb For Keeping Warm, an entirely gorgeous yarn shop with a beautifully curated selection of yarn: lots of Brooklyn Tweed, (they had his new Vale) some Tosh, Quince and Co., and their own beautiful yarns which includes the famous Pioneer, which I've used a few times and adore. Last visit I saw some Plucky, but didn't notice it this time. We ran out of time, but I'm going on the same pilgrimage with another friend next Friday and I'll double check. I'm hoping we'll have time to stop at Discount Fabrics, also on San Pablo, midway between Tinsel and Verb. If you get the chance to visit these shops, I know you won't be disappointed.

Below, a few pictures of the jewelry store, Favor:

A Verb For Keeping Warm is a friendly shop with fabric, yarn dye, and YARN! 

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  1. Thanks for telling us about Tinsel Trading Co; I have lived in Berkeley forever and had no idea that such a fantastic place was to be found right here! Don't expect too much from Discount Fabrics if you haven't been there before. I still mourn for Straw Into Gold, the fantastic yarn store that used to occupy that spot once upon a time.

  2. I remember Straw Into Gold! Hadn't thought about them in ages and ages! I always mourn when knitting stores bite the dust--such a shame. Reminds us how important it is to support our lys.

  3. Lovely... Kristen! I'm jealous! i love shops like these ones. On my Bucket List!

    Take care,


    1. You would love it! I'm taking a friend on Friday and we're going to stop at another LYS near Berkeley to explore and probably buy even more yarn. oy.

  4. Kristen -- That is a LOT of STUFF!!!! Some of it, very specific. It just goes to show you that there is something for everyone, no? Thanks for sharing.


    1. Yes, a lot of stuff, but really just a fraction of what they carried in NY. I think they must have sold a lot off before the big move. Makes sense. Still, a fantastic treasure store.

  5. OMG, this is right up your alley. You must have gone crazy collecting pretty little things.


  6. Hi Kristen,

    What a wonderful trip you had! This series of pics is gorgeous and reminds me of an immaculate version of a favorite store in Palo Alto when we were much younger. Did you ever go to Irma Schwables buttons and ribbons shop? It was on a side street off University Ave in an old house. It was filled with dressers filled with buttons and Irma knew where each kind was which was amazing. She was quite elderly and sharp as a tack.

    I think of you often and hope all is well with you and Terry up there. xx Tunie (and Fred)

    1. Yes! I do remember her shop! I remember it was so messy it almost scared me. But I was so enthralled with her selection, I kept coming back. What a character she was too. Thanks for the memory Tunie!

  7. These pictures are amazing, what a find! Thank you for revealing this treasure!

  8. Soooo jealous! There is nothing that even comes close to these shops in Charleston. It still continues to both amaze and sadden me. It is a city so rich in history. I will live vicariously thru u for now. I can hope our son goes back to San Fran some day. �� Can u believe he was just commissioned Colonel in DC! Where does time go. Life is good even with its ups and downs.


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