baby, it's you

August 23, 2013


I love how each owl has it's own personality!


The character on the right looks like Beethoven!

Long time readers will remember I've made baby owl many many times.  
Love this pattern sooo much, and still get happy when
the little owls appear from the simplest of cables.

I used Rowan Wool/Cotton 4 ply, a 50/50 machine washable blend. The 4 ply version is the same beautiful, easy to knit, soft as silk, long wearing yarn as the very popular DK weight Wool Cotton. Nice elasticity and great stitch definition in a year round blend.  I prefer machine washable yarns for baby knits and this is an excellent choice.  Rowan Wool/Cotton 4 ply is available at Jimmy Beans.  I made the 6 month size and used 2.2 skeins in color Antique using sizes US1 and US2 needles.  The future owner of this little sweater is yet to be born.  Mother is a classic beauty, she reminds me of Grace Kelly in her manner and style.  I think a simple white and charmingly old-fashioned cardigan will be a perfect addition for her new baby girl's wardrobe.  My Ravelry link here.

Good news!  Until recently, this pattern was difficult to find.  Penny Straker has finally made this pattern available as a download on Ravelry.

From Penny Straker:

No one knows who originally created the little owls made with Back Crosses and Front Crosses. My mother, Janice Straker, designed this charming baby sweater decades ago for my sister and me. In the early ‘80s Mom designed the traditional ‘Owl’ bonnet, tied with 1⁄4” ribbon.  The set is knit on #3 needles and is lovely in wool, cotton or cotton/wool blends. Superwash wools are wonderful for all baby knits because this European process yields wool machine-washable and whisper-soft, which does not irritate even the most sensitive baby’s skin. The Owls’ eyes are tiny 1⁄4” mother-of-pearl two-hole buttons. The most challenging task in making Owl is sewing these tiny buttons on so that they are perfectly placed as the owls’ eyes and vertical! Now in its tenth printing, it continues to be a cherished baby set.
Sizes: 6 Months, 12 Months and 24 Months. Also available in Children’s sizes in sport wt.
Here are links to my other owl knits:

Blue owls for me and beige owls too, pattern by Kate Davies

(Edited one year later and 10 month old Baby Emmy is wearing her sweater!  So cute!)


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  1. I never knew that Penny Straker first published an "Owls" pattern. I thought it all originated with Kate Davies. Thanks alot!

    1. It's been around a long long time, but Penny Straker did little to advertise it, Kate Davies did, plus she did the grown-up version.

  2. This right here is a great example of why I need to learn how to knit. That sweater is just adorable!

    1. Lynne, all the crafty things you do and you don't knit?

  3. I remember this pattern from the 70s, maybe earlier. I love that you knit it in white.

  4. It is beautiful and I think maybe next year, Miss Mona Lisa is going to need one of those for Fall!

    1. They also have a toddler and young children's version Penny. Mona Lisa and her mom and dad would love it!

  5. What a gorgeous little baby jumper. I love cables and adding the eyes to make little owls is a touch of inspiration. Lovely.

  6. Just found your blog and love this baby sweater. I haven't taken out my knitting needles in a long time, but this has inspired me. I like your idea of using only machine washable wool for babies and happy to see that it is easily available.

  7. Just love this pattern.. I downloaded i immediately as I find button band on cardigans a trial I deceided to knit the jumper I have completed the front .. but there seems to be no reference to the back not even Back knit as front on the pattern.. could you possibly confirm how the back is knitted please

  8. I found the same problem no reference ofhow to knit the back of the sweater at all.. please confirm how the back is knitted please .. I have my knitting kneedles and yarn at the ready


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