marbleized globe ornaments DIY

October 31, 2023

Marble is always elegant and gorgeous and never goes out of style, plus we all love it! Today I have a super fun DIY that will show you how you can make foolproof and glamorous marbleized Christmas ornaments the easy way. These glossy ornaments have random veining, are flecked with gold and silver, and definitely look like the real thing. They also use budget friendly supplies that are easy to find, so let's get started!

I experimented with several different techniques, and the following technique created the most beautiful marbleized effect that was absolutely goof proof.

First, gather your supplies:

  1. Clear plastic globe ornaments. Less budget friendly, but more traditional are the glass globe ornaments.  Either way you choose to go, it's impossible to see the difference between glass and plastic, unless you drop one. 
  2. Acrylic paint in gray, black, white and metallic gold (Next time I would switch out the gray for metallic silver for even more glam).
  3. A smallish shallow disposable container for mixing the paints. It must have a corner you can pour from.
  4. An egg carton or paper cups and a toothpick.
  5. Soft wet cloth for clean up.
  6. Gold spray paint, optional.

The How To
  1. Start the marbleized effect in your disposable palette by dropping dollops of color randomly, plopping paint dollops next to each other, then on top of each other, building colors in a random fashion, and when you think you are done, add more.
  2. Swirl the mixture once very lightly with a toothpick.
  3. Carefully pour the paint into the opening, allowing the paint to go down the insides. Rotate the ornament slowly as you pour so all the sides are covered with paint. When you are finished pouring in as much paint as you think you'll need, gently and slowly rotate the ornament so the paint will completely cover the inside surface.
  4. When the entire surface is covered, place the ornament down into an egg carton or paper cup and let the excess paint drain out for 15 minutes. As it drains, the paint will continue to move and swirl. For the first hour, I moved the angle of the ornaments every 15 minutes so the marbleized swirl would dry more randomly. They should sit upside down for 15 minutes, then right side up for 15 minutes, then on their sides for 15 minutes each. Gravity will allow the paint to move and swirl while it is still wet.
  5. When you are ready to make the next one, use the same container; no need to wipe clean, just build more dollops on top.
  6. When they have dried an hour or so, take a wet cloth and wipe the outside. There will be smears of paint and it's easier to take that off sooner than later. Once the excess paint has fully dripped out, turn them right-side up and let them dry for several days.
  7. Paint your caps with gold paint and let dry. 

Wouldn't this be a super fun craft to make with older children?

To really make them special, spray the caps with gold paint.

That's it! Now sit back and admire your beautiful creations.
Marble comes in many colors so I hope you will have fun experimenting with this technique. 

I often show you my spring and summer garden when everything is green and fresh and blooming. The fall garden looks nothing like that. It's dry and weedy and the bee activity has really slowed down.  October is the time to clean up. My husband I spent a good part of last week ripping out the annuals; he was in the vegetable garden and I was in the flower garden. After that there was a good bit of weeding and perennial culling to do and now we will let it rest until January when we do the big pruning.

Goodbye dead zinnias.

I could tell some of the perennials were water stressed so I turned on the sprinklers when I was done for the day. It will also help me when I have to cull the unwanted plants and do the weeding.

Spotted on our walk, a baby drinking a bottle of blood! Happy Halloween!

Our little prince sitting in Papa's chair with Grammy's blanket!

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  1. I will keep these ornaments in mind until my “younger” grandchild becomes an “older” grandchild. She is already more clever than I am and I can see her surpassing me on our first “go.” If memory serves the zinnias in my grandmother’s garden - along with the asters - were the last to go. It always made me a little sad. I don’t remember any chrysanthemums to re-lift my horticultural spirits but I am sure there must have been. Store bought, in pots, at least. Chloe

    1. LOL you are always so funny. I hope as Carter gets older he'll still want to craft with me.

  2. You are so creative!!!! The ornaments are beautiful.

  3. These are truly beautiful!

  4. Crafting these marbleized globe ornaments was a therapeutic holiday DIY project for me! Just as crucial as festive decorations, attesting your Birth Certificate ensures a seamless journey and travel plans.

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  6. Marbleized globe ornaments are the perfect addition to any holiday tree, mantle, or tabletop display, adding a touch of elegance and whimsy to your festive decor. With just a few simple materials and a bit of creativity, you can create personalized ornaments that reflect your unique style and add a magical touch to your holiday celebrations.
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