January is looking great

January 11, 2023


How many times on this blog have I shared my attempts at sweater storage? Too many I'm sure, but this time, I think I've finally got it! I had to shell out some bucks, but it was well worth it because these sweater organizers are fabulous!

I bought ten sweater organizers and I love how they work because for the first time I can see all my sweaters at a glance. I fold my sweaters like this and each sweater fits nicely into one of the five slots. When I pull them out they are ready to wear because they have been stored nice and neatly. With all my knitting it's no surprise I found I had more sweaters than slots so it was a good time to go through and gift some sweaters that I no longer wear. 

I loved the sweater organizers so much that I ordered a six pack of the pant-sized organizers for my pants, see below. There are seven slots in each organizer and I used four organizers for my pants: one for summer pants, one for winter, one for sweats and gardening and one for jeans. Sure, I have too many pants, but for the most part I wear them all. When I bring in a new pair of pants I'll have to remove a pair so that will curb my buying for sure, plus seeing how much I have in one place makes me realize I don't need to go to the shops.

So yep, it's that time of year again--deep cleaning! I've started already and plan on having it finished in four weeks. I take my time and work for one or more hours a day on it, but some days I don't feel like it or don't have time, then I'll set a timer for 15 minutes and at least get something small done. 

Alrighty, let's begin! Let's assume you've already decluttered, but if you're still in the thinking-about-it stage, get started this week, or today, or right now! I know that might sound glib because decluttering can be a difficult thing to do, but if you are interested in this I hope you'll do some research or talk to friends who have done it to get some guidance and encouragement. I have never once regretted one thing I have purged from my home during my year long decluttering process. Now, the thing about decluttering and deep cleaning, with decluttering you'll notice a difference right away, and it's awesome, but with deep cleaning, your room might not look that much different because deep cleaning is mostly about getting the hidden dirt and dust that can cause allergies to flare and spiders to flourish. In the end, a good deep cleaning is well worth it. I've finished my bedroom and I do have one tip: In each room I clear off all the flat surfaces and shelves. I've been dusting the knick knacks all year but once a year I'll take them to the sink for a good wash. I live with those empty shelves for a bit and when it's time to replace the items, I am very particular about what I put back. Does it all need to go back on the shelves or are there some things that can be purged? How much stuff do I really want to dust and manage?  Same thing when you empty the drawers and cupboards for cleaning. Does it all need to go back? Are there some things you don't love or don't use? Be selective about what you put back and donate the rest now. For all my past decluttering work, every year I still do a little more. I'm always interested in hearing your declutter stories. Please comment and tell me where you are in this journey. 

Knitting: I've finished a few things and one thing I can show is this 27 Color Snood by Bobbi IntVeld.  Mine has only 13 colors because I used what I had on hand and was able to save a little money. You can purchase the kit here. It's easy to wear and looks great, more like a capelet to me as I always thought a snood was something you wore in your hair. Whatever you call it, it keeps me cozy warm and is a good shape for a basic capelet. I'll have some modeled pictures soon.

The next picture shows the Chevronopolis Scarf by Maxim Cyr of Les Garcons in progress. It's fabulous to knit and uses the mosaic technique which is a colorwork technique that uses slipped stitches, and while it is easy enough, the pattern does take a bit of concentration until you get the gist of it, then it's fairly easy sailing. Here is my Ravelry page. 

I hope your new year is starting off healthy and beautiful and includes many quiet hours to knit and plenty of energy to clean and declutter for a sparkly 2023! May I also take this time to sincerely thank you for your readership. It means a lot to me and is very much appreciated. 

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  1. Love your Snood, Kristen! Feels like 27 colors for sure. I remember snood being more like hair netting, too. It’s like they’ve run out of words and are re-inventing old ones. Ah, jeans. I need to give myself a good talking-to, Mari Kondo style, and get rid of at least half of them. Thanks for the organizing examples. You are like a one-woman cheerleading squad. We probably all need it. Chloe

  2. I liked Chloe's comment. She says it all, but I'm getting tired just thinking of all of the deep cleaning you are going to do.


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