
April 20, 2020

These pictures are from the last few days. It's been cold in the morning when we venture out so a hat is a good idea, and Carter loves to wear hats, and even though this hat is meant for me, he loves it and has sort of taken it over. And that is super fine with me. 

I bought the pattern when Andrea Mowry was having a 24 hour half-off flash sale. I bought the yarn when I made my Brooklyn Tweed haul a few weeks ago. And BTW, the Brooklyn Tweed "Apart Together" sale to support local yarn stores is continuing through May 15 so you have plenty of time to participate. 

The pattern is super fun and was very fast to knit, one, because hats are small, and two, because the pattern is easy and addictive, and three, because the yarn was so divine that I hardly wanted to put it down. So divine in fact that I got online and purchased another lot in a pale brick for a sweater for me. Arbor is a DK weight worsted spun yarn from American grown and raised Targhee sheep, milled and dyed in the US. It's soft but with plenty of life and bounce; I love it and think you will too.

I'm thankful I've got my knitting mojo back full steam after having lost it the first few weeks of this shelter-in-place. I'm still feeling bewildered about all this, and angry too with the realization that China could have easily warned the world early on and saved us from all this. But it is what it is and we will see what different countries decide to do in the aftermath.

As for our personal day to day, we avoid cable news, in fact we stay away from all TV news as we get our news from the Wall Street Journal that is delivered every morning the old fashioned way in the form of a newspaper, lol. We feel it's way more reliable and less likely to make us crazy. And since we have a full-time babysitting gig, we concentrate on that beautiful daily rhythm and we're finding it quite manageable and very, very fun.  We follow a loose schedule but allow for plenty of breaks in that schedule; nothing is set in stone. One thing we manage to do daily is get out every morning around 9:30-10, for at least an hour, but more often two hours, either for a long walk or a play in the back garden or both. We come in for a big lunch, a quiet story-time, then a nap for Carter and knitting for me. Today I'm writing a blog post during nap time. 

Well, again and always, I wish the best to you and yours. I hope and pray life is not too tough or scary for you at this time. I'm so grateful that my little family has been able to get through this so far with no illness nor loss of income. I hold those close to my heart who have not been as lucky.  Bless you all and take care. Kristen


Brooklyn Tweed Arbor (I used Thaw and Klimt)
BT's Apart Together sale initiative
Tincture, hat pattern by Andrea Mowry


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  1. Hat looks very cute on your grandson. BTW, love the variegated yarn on the sweater he's wearing.

    1. Thank you! That yarn is Malabrigo Rios in Porcion.

  2. Great post.
    Your gs is adorable and reminds me of my little. I love every stage of life he is in.
    Great letter

    1. Thank you. Right now he is playing on his own (rare!) with his trucks so I thought I'd check my email. Thank you so much for your comment.


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