
July 11, 2016

I can't tell you how much I love my new Soho shrug and these pictures!  My model and I had so much fun styling her outfit and creating the poses.  I'm sure you recognize Jessica as my across-the-street neighbor, and as busy as she is, she always finds time to come over and play dress-up.  So here's the story with the sweater:  Soho is from Martin Storey's beautiful Easy DK Knits that came out last year and is a pattern book I would call an essential classic--there are so many timeless, wearable sweaters. The pattern called for Rowan Pure Wool Superwash DK but I saw it more as evening wear so I knit it with Kidsilk Haze Eclipse doubled. Eclipse is KSH with a bit of a sparkle thread running through it.  It's gorgeous and I love it, but sadly the yarn is retired. The savvy shopper can still find it on Ravelry, eBay and some shops. That, and making tapered, set-in, top-down sleeves instead of bell sleeves with sleeves sewn in the traditional way were my only modifications.  I intended this to be a little evening sweater, but I found myself popping it on when I was heading to the grocery store and meeting my friend for lunch, etc., so decided to make another, more casual one in the recommended Rowan Superwash DK in a pale gray-blue.  That one is still in the works.

Do you like the tulle skirt?  Here's the skirt story:  Last year I found myself shopping in San Francisco at Neiman Marcus with none other than my husband.  (I almost never step into a NM and never with my husband.  His eyes fairly popped out of his head at the prices and he still talks about the dress shirt with a $1000 price tag that he almost tried on.)  On that day I saw a black ballerina length tulle skirt that I wanted so much, but the price tag that was so much out of my league that I didn't dare even touch it. Once home, my mission was clear: find a look-alike skirt for one-tenth the price or less. While I gave my local shops a chance, this was clearly a job for the internet. There were dozens of choices and I finally settled on this beauty that cost something like $50.  I wore it a half-dozen times last Christmas season. Jessica styled it with her own puppy dog shirt and my shrug and she just looked darling in it!

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The links:

My Ravelry project page

Easy DK Knits, the book, can be found


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  1. It is just perfect with that skirt! It matches her eyes too. You are an amazing knitter! I enjoy your posts

  2. Funnily enough,i have that very pattern book but hadn't got around to doing anything with it. You have inspired me to make myself some shrugs as they look so wearable with everything! I see myself in a dark red with jeans and a silky green for evening wear,wonderful. Thank you.

  3. Funnily enough,i have that very pattern book but hadn't got around to doing anything with it. You have inspired me to make myself some shrugs as they look so wearable with everything! I see myself in a dark red with jeans and a silky green for evening wear,wonderful. Thank you.

  4. I have this exact colour in my stash....I think I will try and make this!!!! It's lovely!

  5. Lovely! Love the different styling....shows how very versatile this design is!

  6. So beautiful models and a great cardigan again!


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