pretty parties

January 06, 2014

I'm looking back again, this time I'm gathering all my party posts from 2013.  Last year had some memorable parties, table settings and menus.  I always love to see how others entertain and think you must too, these party posts are often my most popular posts.

My husband and I like to fit entertaining into our schedules.  Over the years we've come to realize that it does not need to be a big huge deal, just a few small touches can make a gathering of friends and family joyful and fun.  I believe in stress-free parties, but alas, don't always succeed at that.  But hey, we always have fun.  The original post links are in the captions and in each post I try to give the menu and shopping links when possible.  So here's to more fun in 2014!  Skol!

I loved this table setting from My Elegant Yesterday last January.

I was able to use my antique medicine bottle collection for the table in Winter Dinner for 8.

Ellie retired, had a big birthday and went on a trip and her girlfriends threw her a party!

For our spring gourmet group we went to Margit and Freds.

I LOVED the table for Peep, our family Easter dinner.

A super quick menu for Make It Fast!

One of my favorite parties ever, Cavihour, and I must do it again!

Now we're in June and eating outside again, here is Summer Solstice.

We attend an elegant Wedding Anniversary Party and everything was p e r f e c t !

You Had Me At Bacon, such a FUN summer party.  BLTs, that's all!

For our summer gourmet group we are at Bill and Carole's for bad girls book club eats again, and one of my prettiest posts.

Norma and Geoff host an outdoor "colorful evening".

Four beautiful tables, but all different, with Patty and Jack in Friday Night Lights.

In California, we never tire of outdoor parties.  Here we celebrate Labor Day with Daisies to Dye For.

In the city for great food and a terrific view of the America's Cup Races.

Kayti and Morgan get married and the whole wedding party gets involved in Belle of the Ball.

A pretty but easy peasy After Concert Party.

I actually picked these roses in November so of course had to have a dinner party to celebrate!

Gathering Together, our small but lovely Thanksgiving dinner.

It was just a few weeks ago!  Julebord, our Christmas gourmet group at our house.

Christmas Eve.  It was a lovely night.

It was fun for me to look back on the wonderful evenings and the fun we've had.  Before winter ends I'd like to have a soup party with soups on the stove and mugs nearby to serve yourself.  We haven't done that one in years.  So, we'll see, some ideas stay in my head and don't get executed.  Anyway, I feel very blessed and hope you are inspired to make memories with loved ones and friends. 

Before I go, some news from the knitting front:  I'm closing in on finishing Jagger by Lisa Richardson in Angora Haze,  and then will earnestly get back to the big cables in Homeland from the Pioneer book by Martin Storey.


I have the yarn the Kim Hargreave's Caris, above right (my BD gift from my girlfriends) and waiting for one more skein to arrive before I can finish Hearth, above left, for my granddaughter, also from the Pioneer book.

For Christmas I got the yarn for these two:  Springsteen by Marie Wallin and Mystic by Kim Hargreaves.  But think now I'm thinking I may have to put a few aside because the NEW spring/summer yarns are just about to burst onto the scene and I know I will be knitting at these 3, maybe 4 summer sweaters.  I have been swatching away with some beautiful new silks and linens from Rowan and will be sharing very soon.  Just wait until you see them, so stay tuned, because summer knitting is going to be very fun this year!


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  1. So fun to look back at all the table decorations.. I always loved to decorate my tables when I had my parties in Beverly Hills. I think I still have some pictures of my tables but nothing like yours..

  2. Fun to see these, remind me of the Gourmet Groups of the past!!!!

  3. Very pretty parties, but also very pretty knit projects.!

  4. What a wonderful collection of photographs, Kristen! I think my favorite is your red roses in November. Fantastic! Can't wait to see your finished Jagger. :-)

  5. Lovely tables, I especially love the Christmas table. I am looking forward to your 2014 tablescapes.

  6. I am one of the fortunate guests at some of these parties and, yes, they were as pretty in person.


  7. What a great year, Kristin! It's so nice to look back and remember good times shared with friends and family...not to mention all the pretty elements and great food that made the party pop! Wishing you another year of great parties and lots of love!

  8. Kristen that you are a gracious and generous host is no surprise. I love how you want to make everyone feel special and the beautiful settings and delicious food you serve. Lots of wonderful ideas to inspire :))) Happy New year and I love all your picks for upcoming knits!

  9. All are so pretty! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on over and grab a feature button. Here is the link to this week's party. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. I missed a lot of these pretty parties. I have to be more diligent about making it to your blog!


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