What's Going On

August 11, 2017

What's Going On by Marvin Gaye is almost 50 years old but hearing it still sends chills down my spine--definitely one of the best songs ever and the lyrics are more relevant than ever. And do you remember this song?  Gah, the beautiful music of my youth. Hearing these again takes me back to my first trip to Hawaii with my bff and staying for a month at a very crowded house on the beach in Kailua, Oahu. In the main living room the hi-fi took center stage next to a bookcase of albums.  This album was a favorite, a kind of departure because I remember at the time we were mostly listening to Led Zeppelin and The Who.

Segue to what's going on in my knitting basket:  I've finished my last summer sweater, the two unfinished summer projects have been put away until next spring, and the fall and winter projects have been brought out and new ones begun. Below are the projects getting the most attention at the moment.  I love them all so much!

I thought I was pretty lucky to snag some of Clara Parkes newly released yarn (and it sold out quickly) so I couldn't wait to cast on.  This is a  very special fingering weight  yarn from Romeldale CVM sheep grown in Pennsylvania and spun in Wisconsin.  It came in 4 natural shades, this is Shale.  It's gorgeous. I have 800 yards, just enough to make Amalia.

While on a recent trip to Berkeley, CA., I stopped in at a favorite yarn store, A Verb For Keeping Warm and bought 4 skeins of their own Flock, 2nd edition.  This is another special yarn that is a blend of California Targhee and Montana Rambouillet and is naturally dyed.  It's just loverly.  I'm about half way through Raindrops by Tin Can Knits.

I think this is my fourth project with Softyak DK.  Love the stuff--a unique blend of cotton and yak fiber.  Campside is a free pattern from Alicia Plummer and was a perfect project to take on a plane trip last week.  I'm in no hurry to finish and think this will be something I grab when I need a travel project.

I've decided to join Joji's Fall KAL because I needed a kick start to make this pattern that I've had for over a year paired with this yarn that I've had for almost as long.  Rowan Hemp Tweed is an amazing value priced LUXURY machine washable yarn that is 75% Merino with 25% Hemp fiber. The KAL begins September 1st, so you have time to join too! 

I shouldn't be messing around on Ravelry and my computer right now.  I'm supposed to be getting ready for a Mexican Fiesta we are throwing at our house tonight.  If I get good pictures I'll share.  I think the food is going to be really good and if that's true, I'll share the recipe links too.

Have a great weekend!
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  1. I love every last one of those projects!

  2. THanks for the knitting inspiration! I love seeing your party pics too..

  3. What gorgeous projects you are making, Kristen! I particularly love the shawl in Softyak dk. I just finished a garment in that yarn and I understand why you are in love with it!


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