Greetings from Athens! We are just finishing up a wonderful trip to Greece and Turkey and we’re at the airport ready to go home. I thought I’d check up on my little blog while I have the fast internet. I scheduled a few posts before my trip so thank you for reading them and for your lovely comments. I’ll respond to those as soon as I am home. This post I wrote two weeks ago while I was packing with high hopes of some quality travel knitting but I didn’t really get to do much on this trip. I knit one of the Breatrice Mitts on the flight here and plan to finish the second one on the flight back. I brought another big project that I didn’t even take out of the suitcase. So much for my diligent planning! Here’s the original post:
When I plan my travel knits I think of something compact, something that doesn't have to be fitted and doesn't have a pattern that I have to keep looking at. Socks is the most popular travel knit, but I don't knit socks so for me it's hats, scarves and shawls. What do you like to knit while traveling? Do you travel with back up projects and spare needles? I do! Let me show you what I have planned for my next few trips.
- April 08, 2023