
August 12, 2017

Hello friends.  Last night we had a Mexican Fiesta for the monthly gathering of our Second Friday Party Group, AKA, Best Friday of the Month.  I love summer parties and only sorry that we weren't able to have a few more this summer! Because of an out of town trip and then arriving home to houseguests, I only had 48 hours to get my house party-ready and prepare the food. Friends, I went into hyperspeed! Now that the party is over and the house is cleaned up, I've got my feet up with a day of knitting calling sweetly to me.

The menu was a huge success.  This monthly gathering is a potluck with each guest (we are 19) bringing a dish to share and a bottle of wine.  We take turns with hostess duties.  When it's at your house you choose the theme and make the main dishes.  I made the chicken tinga mixture and enchiladas in the morning and reheated them right before serving. I kept the bar simple with wine, beer, and sparkling water.  Dinner is served buffet style. You may have noticed that for dessert I almost always serve cookies at my parties. Here's why: at the end of the evening and your'e a bit tired, it's nice to announce, "The cookie buffet is open--come help yourself!"  No forks, no plates, no serving, easy peasy.


Salsa and Guacamole and Chips
Tiny Stuffed Peppers

Fresh Corn and Arugula Salad
Spicy Green Salad

The drinks table has an arrangement of dahlias and Queen Red Lime Zinnias.
Each Queen Lime Heart Zinnia flower is different.  I love the more greeny ones with just a dusting of pink.  The white blossom at the top of the page is a magnolia from our ancient tree.  It smells like a lemon cake right out of the oven. Heaven.

For easy-care, all-weather (and inexpensive) outdoor art, I laminated wrapping paper maps.  The table arrangements were a mix of sedum and end-of-summer dusty rose-colored hydrangeas.  They'll soon be ready for drying.

I pass out shawls towards the end of the evening when the weather gets chilly.

We have room to seat 12 at tables and the rest find comfy spots on the other patios.  It works.

We put up the lighting last year and are so happy with it.

Before I go, here are a few more pics of the Queen Red Lime Zinnias.  This is my first year planting these, and I was on the fence on whether or not I like them. But over the summer, as they have unfurled, I'm amazed at their diversity and I've fallen in love with every petal. 

Have a great weekend!
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  1. Your house and garden look beautiful set up for a party. I am going to steal your shawl idea! So clever! I have a basketful myself!

    1. Thank you, and yes, I'd love you to steal my shawl idea! It's a way to get some more wear on them!

  2. Simply one lovely garden party. Thanks very much for sharing. Your knitting and garden party are heavenly.

  3. Looks like a great party, love the fact that you move so fast!
    PS Flowers are gorgeous...

    1. Thank you Margie. I don't feel like I move so fast, but my feet did hurt!

  4. Thanks for sharing more zinnia photos. I'll be searching for the Queen Lime Zinnia seeds online and planting next year!

    1. Thank you Janet. I just ordered mine for next year. Burpee was having a sale so I bought all my seeds early and they will be fine for next years planting.


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