
December 11, 2020

I'm so happy with this cozy sweater. I've made the Penny Straker owl sweater dozens of times but the yarn made this one extra special. I used Rosy Green Cheeky Merino Joy, a sport weight organic merino wool that is sourced in Patagonia and milled and dyed in Portugal and England for a German company. Phew! It's very soft with a gentle handle, creates even stitches and is easy to manipulate into cables, plus it comes in sophisticated colors. It is superwash but does not behave badly like a superwash often does. It came out of the water bath perky and ready to be patted into shape. This is my new go-to sport weight wool. LOVED it absolutely. The pattern is one of those iconic children's sweaters that deserves a spot in every child's wardrobe. It is hands down my favorite child's sweater pattern ever--it's handsome and fun and oozes nostalgic charm. 

On this photo shoot we were on our morning walk to admire the Christmas decorations that have popped up all over the neighborhood. We counted the wreathes until we lost track. We wished it was nighttime so we could see the lights. Somehow he talked me into walking right up to front porches to see everything close up. There is something about holding a three year's hand that bestows one with enough bravado to be a little nosier than you normally would be/should be.

I get asked how I get my grandson to take nice pictures. First, I am fast. I get less than a minute. Secondly, my husband was behind pretending to put a stick in my ear. That got a few good smiles out of him!

Owl Sweater by Penny Straker size 6, 12, 24 month
My Ravely project page has all my knitty details
The super cute hat is Sifis Christmas Hat

I don't know how it is in your part of the world, but here in California we are hunkering down with another lockdown that will last through the new year. I know it has spoiled a lot of holiday plans but everyone I have talked to is resigned to it and just looking forward to when it's finally behind us for good and all. It won't be long now, she says with fingers crossed behind her back. 

xo Kristen

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I leave you with a picture of a Buddha's Hand below. It's a type of citrus that is more ornamental although it is edible. It's an oddity that a few of my neighbors grow and they ripen at Christmastime. I wanted Carter to stand by it so I could get some pictures but he wouldn't get near it, lol. It was a huge one, about the size of a baseketball.

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  1. Love that Sweater! A really interesting - and so unexpected - color. The Buddha 's Hand also looks like a sophisticated shade. In this case, of yellow. But I share Carter's leeriness:-). Chloe

    1. LOL. It is a scary fruit, but there are a few trees in my neighborhood and I've become used to them. They even carry them at our local veg stand and they cost a fortune. Yes, that brassy moss was an unexpected color for me and I really quite like it. I purchased it online and called the shop in another state and asked the saleslady to describe the color to me. LOL. She was a good sport. xo Kristen

  2. Gosh that sweater is adorable. I love the sweaters you knit for Carter. Sadly my grandsons are grown and are a bit picky about what they wear. Interesting plant the Buddha’s Hand.

    1. Thank you Linda. That’s exactly why I’m knitting like crazy for Carter now. He is my last grandchild and I know that soon he won’t want to wear my knitted creations. Right now he thinks they are wonderful, bless him. Thank you for writing in.

      Merry, Kristen

  3. Kristen,
    This sweater is my favorite! Love it on Carter, he is a great model, and adorable.

    1. Thank you dear Margie. Hope you and Tom are having a cozy Christmas this year. Thinking of you and when we can all get together in person again. We're having a party as soon as we can!

  4. I have always love that Penny Straker. I don't know whether or not you remember I made a pullover for myself several years ago. I'm not as cute as Carter so it didn't come off as well.



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