
December 28, 2020

Every Christmas and birthday I ask for yarn, and this year was I was gifted with some real beauties. Scroll down and have a peek:

A sweaters worth of Rowan Island Blend in white. The yarn is very squishy and soft. I think this will be  a V neck pullover because I love a plain V neck made out of gorgeous wool. I'm dreaming of going out to dinner in 2021 and wearing it with black pants and heels. Maybe with my pearl earrings and a chunky bracelet. Order a glass of wine. See lots of people. You can tell I haven't been out in a long time 🙋

Two dozen Freia minikins in what is supposed to be a box of neutrals, although there are quite a few pops of color among the neutrals. Maybe it will be a luxurious afghan, but I think I can get 2, maybe 3 sweaters out of this loveliness. 

Rowan Selects Patinia in a pretty mid brown. It has the most beautiful shimmery golden highlights dancing  through the strands. Intended to be a cardigan with balloon sleeves. 

Aren't yarny gifts the best kind of gift? Take care and I'll see you back here in 2021. xo Kristen

Here's my yule log from Christmas Day. It turned out fabulous and I made it with ice cream and cookie crumbs, not cake. We think it was the best one yet. I'll see if I can write up the recipe. It's a keeper, and so easy.

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  1. Loved to see your beautiful yarn! Happy Holidays Kristen! Is always a pleasure to read your newsletter.
    Wishing you lots of love and knitting adventures!

    1. Thank you very much. I appreciate hearing from you. Happy new year! Kristen

    2. Every Christmas and birthday, I eagerly anticipate one thing above all else—yarn. Whether it's soft and cozy wool or vibrant, multicolored skeins, yarn has become my favorite gift. It's more than just a hobby; it's a creative outlet that brings joy and relaxation. My collection has grown so large that I've even started to create custom designs for friends and family.

      Interestingly, this passion for creativity extends beyond knitting. Just as I weave intricate patterns with yarn, I also love to build beautiful, functional websites. As someone deeply involved in web development in Karachi, I find similarities between the two crafts. Both require patience, attention to detail, and a bit of imagination to create something truly special.

  2. Happy New Year! When I saw your box of Freia I immediately wondered if you had seen the new book Knit Happy with Self-Striping Yarn, by Stephanie Lotven (I will admit that she is a friend and I got to help with samples for the book). It is both delightful and useful, chock full of innovative / interesting patterns. Not all are on my projects list but I hope you are able to take a look at it. Here is a link to Amazon, although of course I would order it from my LYS or LBS!

    1. Thank you Claire. That is awesome that she is your friend! I didn't know about the book and looked up the patterns on Ravelry. I love her clever uses for striped yarns, especially using stripes for the sleeves only. Her mittens also were darling.

  3. Your husband did an amazing job of choosing your Christmas present. What a guy. The cake is awesome.


  4. Merry Christmas. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you make. Thanks for all the inspiration you have brought. Happy new year!

    1. Thank you so much Susan. I appreciate your comment and wish you a happy new year too!

  5. A true blessing is getting descriptive essay help online. In just two days, I completed a report that I had to submit regarding the Christmas day. It is simply incredible. Their humility and level of service are wonderful. extremely helpful and professional. To everyone of my friends, I would suggest the website.


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