favorite needles and a super giveaway!

March 27, 2014

Needles are the most important tools of my favorite hobby  It can make or break the knitting experience, and I don't think I'm exaggerating here.  Matching needle to yarn is important!  Besides the obvious different sizes and lengths, there are dull points and sharp points; some needles are slick and fast and some are grabby and slow.  There's room for all of them in our knitting needle arsenal. As many needles that I have in straights, I have just as many in circulars and they all have their specific use.  So before you decide you hate knitting with a yarn, try changing the needle and see if that helps.  The right needle can turn that horrible slippy yarn into your well behaved buddy. Changing needles just might stop the snagging or make that grabby yarn seem smooth as silk.  I'll share some of my favorite needles here with links.

 And I have a fabulous giveaway at the end!

Edited 4/4/14, the contest is closed and a winner has been chosen.
Thank you to all who entered! Winner Juels has been contacted and will 
soon receive this fabulous set of Knit Picks Caspian Interchangeable needles!

My vote for the best all purpose needle is Knit Picks Caspian (exactly the same as the Rainbow and Sunstruck, just a different color!)  Because they bring out the best attributes in almost every yarn, they are the first needle I choose.  Caspians have my favorite point, not too sharp, not too round, but the right amount of pointiness.  The wood is smooth, which makes it surprisingly fast for wood.  I own the straights, dpns and fixed circulars.  They are all terrific.  I also own a set of both the Rainbow and Caspian interchangeable circulars, as I put these needles on my birthday and Christmas wish lists.  The joins are smooth and cables are flexible and never curl up.  There's a little tool you use to tighten the screw and then you don't have to think about that again for the entire project.  A set of interchangeables may seem expensive, but it's economical in the end.  You end up with an array of sizes and cords and you'll be set for most projects. And guess what? You could win a set! Knit Picks Caspian and Rainbow are the best needles ever and they are beautiful too.  But if Caspian doesn't work for some reason or another, I'll move on to more specific needles like the ones below.  

Knit Picks Nickel Plated:  I have gradually added some of these to my collection, although I don't have a complete set yet.  These are very fast and have a great point.  I use these if my yarn is difficult and slow to knit.  They can be too fast and slippery on the wrong yarn, but they fly when the yarn is right for them.

I adore Addi Lace Circulars.  Every single thing about this needle is fantastic.  The lightweight hollow core metal warms quickly and has a super cord and smooth join.  But the true beauty of Addi Lace is the point, it's long and well shaped and is perfect when you have to manipulate the unforgiving stitches of a cranky yarn such as silk or cotton.  I imagine they could even tame kite string.  They can be too fast on the wrong yarn, but I do love them for cotton and other slow going yarns.  I own them in fixed circulars but they also have this interchangeable kit that I am lusting over.

Clovers.  This is the needle many of us started out with.  They're inexpensive and can be found in every craft store across the US so you won't have a heart attack if you lose or break one.  Or if your needle is deemed a weapon and is confiscated by a TSA agent.  That's why these are my travel needles.  I only once had my needles taken from me, that was in Australia, they were ebony and I loved them.  I sat on the plane and read my book and fumed over my confiscated needles.  (I gave the grumpy agent my address and some cash and asked her to mail them to me, and she said she would, but you can guess I've never seen them since.)  Clovers are warm, lightweight and smooth, have a round point and the circulars have a decent join with a decent cable cord although they can get curly.  Clover bamboo needles come in 15 sizes, 2 different lengths, dpns, fixed circular and circular interchangeables.  They are a good, inexpensive needle that I use for slippery yarn and whenever I need a needle that is a bit more grabby.  Since they are fairly blunt, they don't easily separate plies.

Karbonz.  These are pretty awesome.  They are smooth, warm and flexible with good points.  I especially like them in the smaller sizes, US 4 and under.  I think they are a good all purpose needle.  Available in straights and interchangeables.

Signature Needles:  I have to add these because they are all beautifully customizable. On the website, you pick the size, available in US 1-10.  You choose the length, 7, 10 or 14".  Next you choose the point in Stilleto, Middy or Blunt.  And lastly you choose the cap, either a Spiral, a Bell or a pretty Teardrop.  They are made of high quality light weight metal and are super pretty.  But gulp, these babies are expensive.  A special treat needle.  They also have dpns, fixed circulars and interchangeable circulars.  Aren't they pretty?

My first choice is always a Caspian KnitPicks and then I adjust from there.  To speed things up, if the yarn just won't glide across the needle, I choose an Addi Lace or Knit Picks Nickel.  To slow things down, if I was losing or slipping off stitches, I try a Clover bamboo.  If I'm having a problem manipulating a complicated stitch pattern, like a P3tbl in cotton, I try an Addi Lace first but the stiletto Signature would also be great.  If I'm having a problem with the plies separating on me, I try out the more blunt Clover.  I mess around a bit until I find the right needle for that yarn and pattern.  The only needles I despise are the square ones.  I just don't get them at all. 

These are just my personal favorites and naturally I'm biased with the needles that compliment my knitting style.  I just encourage you to experiment.  Don't forget to display your needles like works of art!  They are!


GIVEAWAY!  Now for the super good news!  The kind folks at Knit Picks have offered a set of Caspian Interchangeables for one of my lucky readers!  I cannot be more excited about this because I know you will absolutely love them! It's always easy to enter my giveaways, just be a follower of Knitionary either by Facebook, Bloglovin or whatever, leave a comment to tell me how you follow and that's it!  For a second chance at winning go to my Knitionary Facebook page and leave a comment under the Needled post. I'll keep this open for a week.  This contest is open to readers in the US and Canada only.  Good luck! 

Edited 4/4/14, the contest is closed and a winner has been chosen.
Thank you to all who entered! Winner Juels has been contacted and will 
soon receive this fabulous set of Knit Picks Caspian Interchangeable needles!

Knit Picks describes their Caspian needles as oceanic waves of sea green, teal and marine rippling across Caspian - the newest addition to the Knit Picks Options family! Boasting the same strong and smooth layers of laminated birch that you know and love, Caspian shows off a sea-inspired colorway along with a distinctive emerald cord to complement its oceanic hues.

This pouch has 9 needle pockets to hold your tips and two 4 1/2" pockets on the back of the snap case to conveniently store your cables. For expanded versatility, add additional sizes to your collection with our interchangeable needle tips and cables available separately.

This set is a great starter set for any knitter, beginner or experienced. We have assembled knitting needles and cable lengths in the most popular sizes and packaged them into a clear snapped vinyl pouch. Each needle tip length is 4 3/4 ". The sizing of the Knit Picks interchangeable cables refer to the total length achieved when the needles tips are attached to the cables.

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  1. I follow you on bloglovin- username is shroomfrog :)

  2. I struggle with needles all the time. I didn't even know some of the facts and differences you mentioned above, so thanks for sharing:) I have been a knitter for a while, but still stick with easier projects.

  3. Hi! Just started to follow your blog and also on Facebook. Thanks for the chance in this giveaway!

  4. Following on FB and Wordpress reader! Those needles are so pretty, all my favourite colours! I've never tried interchangeables, thanks for the great review, I am definitely tempted to try some!

  5. Following on FB and just started following your blog too!
    Gardendeeva on Rav

  6. Just joined bloglovin to follow you love your choice of needles. Thanks for the great info

  7. I love all the pretty needles. I follow on Facebook.

  8. I always enjoy your blog, I follow you here and on Facebook! Those Caspian needles are so pretty, I have been wanting to give them a whirl! My fingers are crossed! :)

  9. Beautiful needles! Your blog is very inspiring!

  10. The right needle can make all the difference. Those new knit picks needles sure are pretty! I follow you on Pulse and Facebook.

  11. Now if those needles can only make me knit like you!!!!

  12. tracy w merlegirl@hotmail.comMarch 27, 2014 at 5:31 AM

    Easy to follow you on FB. One can never have enough gorgeous needles!!

  13. Great blog, I follow you on FB

  14. These are beautiful! I follow on FB.

  15. Great information about needles I follow you on bloglovin have a great day!

  16. I follow you on FB and love your blog!

  17. Hi - Enjoy your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

    rav: denim

  18. Commented on FB. I've been coveting these for quite a while. Great giveaway.

  19. I follow on Facebook.

  20. I love the picture in the old Dr. Pepper case! I follow you on Facebook.

  21. Hi- I've been following you on FB- but now i have your blog bookmarked too! Thank you for the give away fun!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I have been using Knit Picks, but would love to try out some other ones!

  24. I love Caspian needles I hope I can win this time =), thank you Kristen

    I follow u here on fb and ravelry =)

  25. Hi. Another regular blog reader here! Just to say, I understood that KnitPro was the same as KnitPicks, in the U.K. at least - in fact Clara Parkes from Knitters Review says that it is just the European brand name. I bought my first set of Knit Picks when they first came out and when buying thr next set (I am a needle maniac, having interchangeable sets of Chiagoos, Addi Lace and Addi needles!) the name had changed to KnitPro for the European market, or so we were told!
    Love your blog - and your garden and of course the knitting!
    Terdotty on Rav

  26. I follow on bloglovin and also facebook. I absolutley love your blog!

  27. Caspian are my favorite needles, and interchangeable circulars are the best! I follow you with my email address! I do not live in USA anymore but my best friend does!
    asteride on Ravelry

  28. I follow you on your I love looking at your fabulous knitting and dinner parties!

  29. WOW........what a collection of needles - green with envy. Love your blog and follow faithfully.

    Best regards.

  30. Great post. Thanks. I follow by RSS Feeds. I don't miss a day of your blog -- on-line AND by e-mail! I have been dreaming of a set of Caspian's since listening to the KP podcast that described them. The tips are labeled with the size, right? Brilliant.

  31. I "Like" you on facebook.
    wahoomerryf on Ravelry

  32. Following you on Facebook! Are you on Ravelry? I am WahooWifeAndMom there and would like to see you there. I had no idea there were so many gorgeous needles out there! Thank you for showing me the light!

  33. I love KnitPicks. I have many of their needle sets, but no Kaspian! I would love to win this set. Thanks for offering it and for your "Delicious" blog. I check it every day for new posts, and I'm never disappointed.

  34. Great article on why you need a variety of needles made of different substances. My favorite color is teal, so I would love the new Caspian needles set!

  35. I follow you on FB and enjoy reading your blog. I would love to win these needles!

  36. follower of Knitionary by Facebook - love your needle storage!

  37. I love your blog. Feeling inspired.

  38. So appreciative of this post since I wondered what needles you would recommend! What a fantastic giveaway!
    Thank you for all the useful information.

  39. Beautiful needles love following your blog and facebook!!!

  40. Wow! Super Giveaway, I just now found you on Facebook too! Been wanting a nice set of needles but haven't been able to afford on my SS. Here's to crossing my fingers!

  41. As a new knitter, I.appreciate the review and would LOVE to win a set!!!

  42. I follow you with Facebook and look forward to your posts. Would love to have a set of these needle. I feel like everytime I yurn around lately I am having to purchase another knitting needle size. Thanks!

  43. Beautiful color would love a set set to learn on, discovered I hate the metaly like ones

  44. I'm now following you on Facebook!

  45. Following on facebook. The rainbows of TEAL are my FAVORITE colors!! This would be heavenly to win! Thank you!

  46. I follow on Facebook :)

  47. I follow you on Facebook, and enjoy your posts. I would love to have a set of these needles - I have mainly Clovers, and the Caspians sound wonderful!

  48. I follow you on Facebook. I would love to add the blue/green Caspians to my rainbow and sunstruck harmony collection.

  49. Interesting! I never thought about trying a different needle when I didn't like the yarn, makes me consider doing so right now on a project I am working on...
    Great giveaway, would live those needles!

  50. Following you on facebook and stop in here to read as well, thanks for a great giveaway!
    susanmhj on ravelery

  51. I love the colour of those needles - I am a total suck for blue/green combos! I just started following you and if I was to win those needles, I could stop trying to decide which set to buy!

  52. I love to crochet but am learning to knit. I would love to win some needles!

  53. I follow u on bloglovin and on Facebook and would love to try knit picks needles.

  54. I'm following you on FB and will definitely be checking out your blog and Ravelry often as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway.

  55. wow! so lovely! thank you for the opportunity...

  56. Hey there. I am a FB follower. Didn't realize you had a blog which I am going to add to my list. Hope I win these beautiful needles. About 10 years ago I fell in love with Clover bamboo. Then I started to knit more and went in search of different needles and I found that there was an amazing needle world. I have several types on my someday list.

  57. I follow both on Facebook and Bloglovin' . I love the Caspian needles colors...they are so cool!

  58. Those needles are in my favorite colors. Hopefully following you here, subscribing to your rss feed counts as well, seeing as I don't do facebook.

  59. I follow on Facebook. I love KnitPicks needles and have been coveting the Caspian set since they were released.

  60. I follow on Blogger and also on Facebook. What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. Following on Facebook. The needles are lovely!

  62. I follow you on facebook and hope I'm a winner!

  63. I follow on facebook. Those needles are gorgeous!

  64. I have subscribed to your gorgeous blog via e-mail and on Facebook. Love that pic of all your needles. Inspiring!

  65. I follow by email (lesquenouilles)... I would love to try those needles, thanks for a chance to win. :D Your blog is my daily sunshine dose.

  66. Kristin, I love reading your blog (via email) and your posts on facebook. warbler01 on

  67. These Caspian needles are gorgeous! I follow on Facebook and just signed up and am glad I found bloglovin. Thanks for having this contest.

  68. I follow you on Bloglovin' and Facebook.
    Rav id; woolercoaster

  69. I follow on bloglovin and facebook. Love your knitting posts!

  70. I follow you on Bloglovin get a daily e-mail with my feeds.

  71. I follow you on Bloglovin, I get an email with new posts!

  72. I love the Nickel Plated and tipped needles!

  73. I follow you bloglovin and Facebook love the email updates. Would love to win the needles.

  74. I follow you everywhere, girl! Put my name in your hat. :)

  75. Hi! I read your blog at every update! Always enjoy and frequently learn something so a good combo for a blog.
    I have been eyeing the Caspian needles, so beautiful. Maybe I'll win and then will use my saved-up money for

  76. I used to just check in every single day in hopes that you had a new post. Now I follow you on Feedly. I just shared your blog with a knitter friend of mine who thanked me profusely for the recommendation.

  77. I love love your blog and your style in everything! I just signed up for bloglovin - I would love this giveaway. Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity.

  78. I follow your blog as well as Facebook and Ravelry. My Ravelry ID is SVHarmony.
    I've had the knitting needles I'm now using for over 30 years. I'm more than ready for a wonderful set of Caspian's

    Thank you for all your interesting blog posts.

  79. I understand your frustration at losing your needles at security! You never know when they will be confiscated. Love your blog, and although I follow on Bloglovin, I usually just pull up a bookmarked link. Thanks for the give-away of great looking needles. Rav ID AJane.

  80. Thanks to you and Knit Picks for the Caspian Interchangeables giveaway. I follow you on your blog and Ravelry.

  81. What a great giveaway - I love Knitpicks! I follow by email as .

  82. LOVE these needles and following your posts via bloglovin!

  83. The Caspian needles are the prettiest needles I have seen. I'm still on Clovers!


  84. I follow you on Facebook, I enjoy your posts

  85. I'm a long time follower of your blog not only for your beautiful knit work but also love all your beautiful table settings and wonderful recipes. Your on my favorite blog list in the sidebar of my blog and with a quick click of the mouse I'm here and now I'm following you on Bloglovin as well.

  86. I follow you here, on FB and on Ravelry!

  87. Those knitting needles are absolutely beautiful!!!!!

  88. I follow on Facebook and Bloglovin! I'm just getting into gardening myself - mainly just herbs and some veggies at the moment, but I looooove peonies! How hard are they to grow? I just low how they are big and bushy, unstructured but structured by their own randomness. Beautiful, I could stare at them for hours!

  89. I follow on Bloglovin, and I've also commented on Facebook. Thanks!

  90. Just started following your blog one bloglovin and enjoying every post!

  91. The Caspians are beautiful, as is your blog. I've subscribed via Live Bookmarks.

  92. Want! They are such a soothing color. I follow you on FB, ravelry, etc.

  93. Following your blog and like on facebook. I want to say thank you for the info on different needles and how different yarns work better on certain needles it has made a difference on something I am doing, I am teaching myself to knit it is a bit overwhelming.

  94. I follow your blog and love it! gardenknittr on ravelry

  95. Love your posts. especially the one you did today about the cruise and coming home to your peonies, your knitting, and to making fresh potato leek soup. I want to leave cold Canada and move to California! Anyway, would love to win the Knitpicks of course. They look so bright and cheery. I follow you here and on Facebook. Thanks for the words and images! Jo-Anne

  96. Those are really pretty needles! I follow you on Twitter (@ikkinlala) - does that count?

  97. OhOhOh!!! I love those needles! I was just contemplating an investment in a set as I always seem to need a size I don't have. I enjoy your blog too!

  98. Oh ,what a wonderful,delightful b/d present that would be to win-I was born on Easter and consider the month of April my b/d because my b/d has only fallen on Easter once since 1944, I follow Knitionary on f/b. A set of the beautiful colored Caspian would add sunshine everyday whether the sun is shining or not.

  99. Hi, I'm a FB follower! I'd love to have a complete set of those, I just have the try-it set now.

  100. I personally use the Clover brand cables. I love the warmth and lightweight feel of them. I would prefer a sharper tip as Knitpicks. I have been looking at Knitpicks interchangeable knitting needles, like the Harmony for over a year or so now. Then Knitpicks came out with Caspian. I have been longing for a set of these since they came out.
    I would LOVE to win this set!!!! :)
    Thank you for this opportunity!!!!

  101. Btw, I follow you on facebook and by email. Look forward to reading more of your posts!!!! :)

  102. I follow you on Bloglovin and I'm now going to jump over to facebook and follow you there too! The Caspian needles are beautiful!

  103. This was a fantastic post, Kristen! I loved reading about how you use different needles and why! And I had never heard of the Caspians, so I will definitely add those to my wish list. :-)

  104. Whoa, that is a super giveaway! I follow on Facebook as Chelsea Wong. Thanks for the chance :-)

  105. I follow your blog faithfully; and, I also follow you on Facebook. I would love to go over there and leave a comment, but I have given up Facebook for Lent. Winning these needles would sure make it worth the sacrifice!!!!

  106. oh wow, those Caspian needles look incredible! I love knitpicks needles, but have put off the cost of getting an interchangeables set. I'd love to win! I follow you on facebook and bloglovin (both as Julie Crawford), and my ravelry id is knittedblissJC.

  107. Thanks for the chance, I Follow you on Pinterest. I love this needles.

  108. Hi, I follow you on both Facebook and bloglovin. I would love to win some of those needles!

  109. I follow you by email. Would love to win these beautiful needles!

    JKnits51 on Ravelry

  110. Love to win the needles---Love your blog!!!

  111. Such gorgeous needles. thanks to the Knit Picks folks for the great giveaway! I follow your blog on Facebook.

  112. I've never used Knit Picks needles, but continue to hear only good things about them. I follow your blog on Newsify (sorry, I'm not on Facebook!)


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