Show-And-Tell, a Review and a Give-Away!

April 02, 2013

As a Rowan Ambassador I received a welcome basket to say "welcome to the team" (goofy smile on face).  I knew it was coming any day, the anticipation was unbearable.  When I heard the UPS truck rumble down the street I ran out to greet him and fairly knocked that nice gentleman down to get to the box with the discreet Rowan label.  Inside the box were treasures tucked inside a lovely printed Rowan tissue.  Seriously, I just gazed at that tissue for a bit.  The booty included lovely yarn samples and beautiful knitting books, and perhaps the best thing, the Rowan Spring/Summer Yarn Shade Range.  It's been my bedtime book every night, patting each yarn, inspecting every color.  For a fiber enthusiast, there's almost nothing better.

The books include the Rowan Magazine 53, Rowan Studio 30, Mini Collection for Kidsilk Haze Stripe and the Summer Textures book.  Also included were sample skeins of Softknit Cotton, Kidsilk Glamour and All Seasons Chunky.  In the next few weeks I'll review these products but wanted to limit today's posts to just a few.  All of these yarns and books are available now.

My first review is for Studio 30, a collection of knits designed by Sarah Hatton for the littles in your life.  I am a big fan of Rowan's Studio books.  They most often concentrate on a single yarn or two and are always very fashion current.  You know I love knitting teensy things and this issue immediately triggered my desire to knit something warm and snuggly in mini size. My first knit from this book will be the Louisa cape, see below.  For this I'll use the recommended Baby Merino Silk DK in Snowdrop, a superwash merino wool and silk blend.  The knitted sample square in my local yarn shop showed the yarn to be extremely soft with a hint of sheen from the silk, and with very even stitches that is so characteristic of fine merino wool.  I think it will be a winner.  I like this cape for a toddler as it looks very easy to wear and won't hamper their movements.  The rest of the patterns are equally adorable and there's a dear little dress that may be next.  Very happy to have this book in my library.  Thank you Rowan!

The Rowan Magazine Spring/Summer Issue 53 was a welcome gift, I didn't have it yet!  I had been eyeing a few things in it, and in my Rowan Love Pinterest Board you can see a few that have my attention.  First on the needles will be Praline by Lisa Richardson with Summerspun.  This yarn has been out for a year and I don't think I've ever looked at it.  When I saw it in the shade book I had to find it.  My LYS carries it!  Who knew?  I loved the knitted sample square, very soft with an interesting and beautiful texture.  Summerspun is comprised of two threads, one cotton and one wool, twisted together, and when knitted, creates a melange of color.  The colors are soft and gorgeous, with a few brights too.  My color choice is Covent Garden, a mix of soft yellow gold, steel gray/blue and orange, perfect for summer and white jeans.  I immediately cast on a few stitches with my Addi lace US6 and fell in love immediately.  It's very easy to knit and makes an even fabric with loads of texture.

Speaking of textures, the next book, Summer Textures, is a book I already own.  I don't need two and would love to give this new one away.  It has 16 designs for women by Lisa Richardson and Sarah Hatton showcasing Savannah, All Seasons Cotton and Summer Tweed, lovely Rowan yarns widely available in gorgeous colors.  I bought it to make Sioux and Hoopa.  Please leave a comment and you will be in the running!  I'll announce the winner on Friday evening.  Please make sure I know how to contact you if you win so this lovely book can find a new home! 

Thank you all for stopping by.  I have some posts in draft form that need a bit of tweaking, including yarn reviews of the new spring choices,  a garden post and some FO (finished object) posts.  

If you are reading this in an email and would like to make a comment, go to this link for the original post and the comments section. xo

Edited 3/4/13...Giveaway is closed, we have a winner, Lori, and have sent her an email.  Congratulations and thanks to all who entered!

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  1. How cool was your box! I am quite afraid that you have converted me to Rowan stuff, just by reading your blog and seeing all of your cool knits. I just wish one of my local yarn shops carried Rowan. You are so darn lucky.

    Looking forward to seeing what's next!

  2. I love reading about your parties and of course the knitting. I've been a fan of Rowan since I began knitting, almost two years ago. Congratulations on becoming an ambassador for Rowan.

    Keep knitting and I'll keep reading.

  3. Can't wait to see the FOs with the yarn you got!
    pamelammgarcia at ravelry

  4. What a thrill it must have been to receive that box!! Lovely post, with lots of good ideas. My LYS closed, so thanks for enabling me to stay current with the new Rowan goodies!!

  5. Oh my! As a Rowan Ambassador, your knitting life will never be the same! My gracious your photos are so lovely. It is hard to imagine just how wonderful the actual items must be - the smell of a good printed book, the texture of the yarns, the visions in your mind's eye of FOs. What amazing inspiration! DivaDar

  6. I must say that you are already doing a bang-up job as a Rowan Ambassador! I received noticed that my closest LYS is going to start carrying Rowan. Woot! Woot!

  7. Well, as per usual, when I read your blog, I'm ready to knit more and more. Please put me in the running for "Summer Textures". Meanwhile, I'm looking at all the links in your post.

  8. What a fun box to receive! You will do a great job as their new ambassador since you have already been doing it for years! I would love to have a copy of that book as several patterns look interesting to me.

  9. What an exciting package and what an exciting adventure for you! That shade card would be my favorite thing to study as well!

  10. I love reading your knitting blog posts, Kristen. I also enjoy the gardening ones too. Even though I live in the Garden State, mine will never look as lovely as yours. I can't wait to see which Rowan pattern you'll do first! Thanks for sharing on your blog.

  11. Oh, wow, Kristen...that little cape (in a MUCH bigger size!!!) would be the perfect thing for me after my shoulder surgery when I'm not able to lift my arms to put on a jacket! Thank you for planting that seed in my head!!! Now I just need to figure out what to do about actual clothes on top!!! :-)

    I understand your enthusiasm for the arrival of that box! As I was reading, I felt your anticipation!!! What a neat, neat thing to be a part of! Congratulations once again, and I look forward to seeing some of those FOs soon!

  12. Thank you Kristen for your wonderful blog entires and for the opportunity to win this book. I am gardenknittr on Rav.

  13. I absolutely love your blog and your knitting. When I complete the winter sweater that is on my needles, I will be ready to cast on for some summer textures. Hope I win!

  14. Good Afternoon Kristen, I have just returned from my holiday in India and I am sorry to say I missed the post where you were became a Rowan Ambassador. I am thrilled to hear the news... and what a wonderful box of goodies. I do knit, but not for many years, once my daughters had grown I seemed to stop knitting, but maybe I will start again as looking at the patterns there are some wonderful designs.
    Congratulations again.
    Best Wishes

  15. That Rowan box is like Christmas! how wonderful! Look forward to seeing more of your knitting! congrats!

  16. That's really cool that they sent you all that stuff! Looks like your new project is going to be a winner too.

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!

  17. Congrats on becoming a Rowan Ambassador. They made a good choice! Your Blog is so fun to follow, and I look forward to all of your FOs in Rowan Yarns.

  18. Kristen, my congratulations once more! How exciting to get such a wonderful gift! Thank you for your reviews and inspiration!
    P.S. It seems that I can't comment on your most recent post. :(

  19. I am a regular, silent reader of your blog and enjoy seeing your gorgeous knits as well as your amazing garden.

  20. Thanks for sharing your first box with us! So much inspiration! Enjoy your color cards :o). J

  21. What fun! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  22. Kristen, love the Bailey's Cream cardigan. You are a master of a fit garment! Hats off!! Cindi

  23. Wow! This is great! How much fun it must be to be a Rowan ambassador. I have always your knitted items.

  24. That Bailey's Cream cardigan fits you like a dream! Beautiful work as usual. You continue to inspire me on a daily basis! Thanks for including me in the Rowan magazine give away!


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