Kidsilk Haze Glamour Giveaway!

April 07, 2013

Sometimes a gal needs a little glamour and a little giveaway in her life!  I recently received a skein of Rowan Kidsilk Haze Glamour to review.  I've already reviewed Kidsilk Haze on this blog so many times, told you all how much I love it, it's my number one most favorite yarn, gossamer silk, ethereal mohair, elegant and luxurious, all that.  On Ravelry I've tagged 14 projects with KSH and it's sister yarns.  So when Rowan decided to add shiny translucent sequins to their KSH, I knew I would melt.  I did.  I love it.  So many knitters are so addicted to KSH that a few wags started calling it Cracksilk Haze.

With my skein, a dark charcoal, Smoke, I'm making the One Skein Cravat from a free pattern on the Rowan website.  It's something I'll be working on off and on, no hurry.  I always have a few things going on at once, and I'm happy if at least one of them is KSH! 

The free pattern includes three sizes, a cravat, a scarf and the wrap shown above.
By the way, when Glamour came out a few months ago, the very day it arrived at my lys, I met my girlfriend and we both bought a sweater's worth on the spot.  It was hard for us to choose just ONE sweaters worth, she's addicted to it too.  My sweater is three quarters done but I've put it aside for now and will pick it up again early fall.  That's how we do things around here. Anyway, someone asked me if the sequins pool.  No, they don't, not a bit of pooling, just lovely sparkles sprinkled about the fluffy KSH, just lovely.

The particulars:  Kidsilk Haze Glamour is slightly thicker and has a slightly different composition than KSH, still mohair and silk but with nylon added.  It knits up to a variety of gauges, from an airy fabric at 18 stitches per 4 inches or to a more dense fabric at 25 stitches per 4 inches with US2 needles.  For knitting bliss, needle size and composition are so important here.  Depending on my gauge and my pattern I may use slick Addi Turbos or a smooth wood like Knit Pick Harmonies that will help the yarn to "stick".  I prefer a sharp needle over blunt with KSH.  Play around with your needle to get a feel that works for you.  It's a yarn that at first may take a bit of patience.  I have always encouraged knitters to stick with it until they are comfortable with it's feel, it's so worth it.  This yarn really does make the most luxurious lightweight yet warm fabric that is like no other.  I wear this year-round, it's perfect for our chilly Northern California summer evenings.  It is not inexpensive, but you'll have your garment for many many years, it wears beautifully with minimal to zero pilling.  Even though Glamour is thicker than KSH, I have interchanged it with excellent results, the Glamour fabric being fuller with more depth of feel to it.  And of course there's those lovely shiny sequins!  Hand wash.

Also, there's excellent pattern support with a new book dedicated to Glamour.
Too bad this model isn't very pretty ;) 

The Glamour Collection.

I have Parisian Nights in my knitting book collection, seriously the most gorgeous patterns,  each named after French wines and know that Glamour would be a good match for any pattern here.

Parisian Nights

 Now for the giveaway, just 'cause they're so dang fun!

I went to my lys and bought another ball of Glamour.  
So now there's one for you and one for me.
I know you want to try this lovely stuff! 

To enter you just need do two easy things, 
be a follower (Facebook or any of the readers), OR be an email subscriber
AND make a comment below.
Please make sure I know how to contact you!

If you are receiving this in an email and would like to comment,
 please go to this link and scroll down to the comments section.

 I'll announce the winner on Friday.

Next up, a gardening post and a chunky noggin.

Edited 3/12/13, give away is closed and winner announced.

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  1. Beautiful yarn and has a wonderful color.

  2. KSH is wonderful. You have me intrigued about Glamour which I haven't met in person yet.

  3. Good Morning Kristen, Oooh, how exciting a lovely ball of Glamour. I think I mentioned in my last comment that you are inspiring me to take up knitting again, so how perfect would that be to win a ball of this fabulous wool. I am already a follower and if I am lucky enough, you can contact me at
    Fingers crossed for everyone who enters.
    Best Wishes

  4. Helloooo! Such gorgeous yarn, I actually have never knit with it, but heard such good things!

  5. You make it sound amazing, I would love to try it! I follow on Facebook.
    chels580 at yahoo dot com

  6. Oh wow, and that is my favorite color! So gorgeous!!!
    I found you on facebook, glad I did, you have some very fun posts!

  7. What a beautiful yarn! Please count me in!

  8. What a beautiful yarn! Please count me in!

  9. . . . love the Glamour, & your darling little bunny!

  10. So glamorous and pretty. I don't knit, but I admire those of you who can create stunning pieces.

  11. What beautiful yarn!!!!! I didn't know you could buy it with sparkly stuff already in it! That's so pretty!!! I love the little rabbit dude holding it up, too! Reminds me of that movie "Lion King" when the father holds the baby up for all to see! :-)

  12. BEAUTIFUL! I'm loving this yarn....I'm new to knitting but ohmyword, this would be incredible to add to my stash! I'm following you on facebook now too!

  13. I'm feeling very lucky this week.


  14. Gorgeous yarn! Found you through my friend Jen :)
    sarah (at) laceyfour dot com

  15. Oh. My. goodness.

    Mama needs that yarn.

  16. So beautiful. Perhaps I'll display it in a crystal compote...
    Thank you for all your lovely posts. They add some class to my days.
    (pj456rosenthal at sbcglobal dot net)

  17. Love it!And I like making lace!
    olga1203 at yahoo dot com

  18. this yarn is stunning !!!!! I love it =0)
    and im sure u are going to make a beautiful project with it , like you always do

  19. I did not know you were on Facebook! That was easy! What a nice giveaway! Just dreaming about winning is worth it ;-) I look forward to your gardening post! Here up north is still too cold, brrrrr.... ;-)

  20. Beautiful yarn. Thank you for the opportunity.rav id busymom07755

  21. I love KSH as well, and gray yarn makes my heart flutter! Can't wait to see what you do with it! Thanks for having the giveaway! :)

  22. Beautifully written! Can't wait to use RKHG!

  23. Looks gorgeous!
    Rav pamelammgarcia

  24. I am not positive I am following you on facebook right. I "liked" you. But is there something else to do?

  25. This yarn is BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait till Friday!
    mesioden@mac dot com

  26. This yarn looks fabulous and I would love to knit something beautiful with it. I follow you through ravelry.


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