Happy Thanksgiving

November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! 
I'm sending you blessings from my home to your home and from my heart to your heart. 
Thank you so much for being a part of my life.

I've done the shopping and my turkey has been defrosting in the refrigerator since Sunday. I’ve set the table, made the breakfast casserole, the dressing, turkey sugar cookies and the pecan pie. Years ago a foodie friend told me to always try the recipe on the back of the can or the jar or the box, etc. because the food companies have tested every recipe and you can pretty much trust them to showcase their product with the best recipe. It makes sense that they want their product to be shown in the best light. You can find the best oatmeal raisin cookie recipe on the back of the oatmeal box and the best chocolate chip cookie recipe is printed on the chocolate chip packet. And on the back of the Karo corn syrup jar is the best pecan pie recipe. Over the years I've tried others, but always go back to the basic best from Karo. It can't be beat.

I'm so happy with my table. It's simple and to me that is beautiful. I knew we would be a small group but I still wanted the table to look nice. I did not have the time to plan my table as I've had in years past, but this afternoon as I placed this and that here and there, I stepped back and what I saw brought me peace. Kristen, I thought, do not add one more thing, you are done. And so in just a few minutes I made one of my favorite Thanksgiving tables. My daughter gave these Pimpernel placemats to me last Christmas. They look like slate and make my table look so elegant. I also love to use them on my buffet as hot plates even though they are meant to be placemats. They are on sale right now. 

The day after Thanksgiving I'll be decorating my house for Christmas and making turkey stock, then make turkey soup on the following day. Don't throw away that turkey carcass! For the how-to's on stock making read this post first and then this post. I hope you'll join me!

Yesterday we were gone all day and I still had time to make dinner! Crock Pot to the rescue! There is nothing nicer when coming home to a dark house and then smelling dinner knowing all I have to do is dish it out. Am I the only one still holding on to the slow cooker? Maybe, but this recipe is one of my favorite cheats and can also be made in the instant pot. I place two pounds lean stew meat, trimmed of all fat, in the bottom of the cooker. The packet will tell you to sear the meat but I do not and you cannot tell the difference. Ignore this step, trust me. Next I top the meat with 1/2 lb. mushrooms, halved. On top of that I put in 4-5 carrots, scraped and sliced, plus one large potato, peeled and cut into chunks. Over that I put in one bag of frozen baby pearl onions. Over that I pour in two packets stew mix, see below, mixed with 2 1/2 cups water. Put on the lid and cook on low for 8 hours. During the last half hour I usually add one small bag frozen peas. It is so good and everyone I give this recipe to, thanks me. There's enough leftover for tonight's dinner, so no extra cooking the night before Thanksgiving. Yay!

I've started some Christmas crafting. More on that later.

I'm so happy you stopped by!

Best wishes for a happy day filled with good food and happy memories.

xo Kristen

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I LOVE your simple table. You've got an eye!

  2. Beautiful sophisticated table Kristen. I'm sure your dinner willl be delicious. The pie makes me drool. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. The carcass is the best part and I save that for me. After I am done picking off the meat from the bones, it too becomes soup.

  4. Same to you, belatedly! Gourmet foodie friend said same about Libby’s pumpkin pie recipe.Thanks crockpot recipe. Will do! Chloe

    1. Oh that Libby pie makes sense! I hope you like the strew. Please tell me if you try it.

  5. The table is elegant without being fussy. Stunning! I can’t wait to try the beef stew recipe!

    1. Thank you! Sharon, please tell me if you and your husband like the stew!

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