Bergman Sweater FO, some updates and some drama

November 14, 2024

Today I have a new sweater from the clever mind of Caitlin Hunter to share, an update on clearing out the pantry and freezer, and Ebay drama. Come on in! 

Recently I finished three sweaters but have only photographed one, this one! Bergman by Caitlin Hunter clicked off a few requirements for me--the gauge was perfect for some Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in my stash, it was top down, and the colorwork looked dramatic but easy. It was fun to knit and I love Shelter, and love wearing it. It's a little boxy which I know was the look the designer was going for, and also she designed it to be cropped but I added length. It's warm and cozy and casual and I know it will get a lot of wear. Caitlin's patterns are always so well written and this one has the charts two ways, dark and light, which I always appreciate and wish more designers would do.

Bergman from Boyland Knits, Caitlin Hunter

My Ravelry Page

Shelter from Brooklyn Tweed

My pantry and fridge clean out is going very well and the end of next week it should be empty enough to clean and then I can head to Costco to restock for the holidays. I've found no expired food in the pantry and no food with freezer burn because for the last few years I've been doing this October Challenge twice a year and it keeps food management under control and no waste! I've unearthed some interesting things though--five frozen egg whites (used in an frittata) and one cup of beef gravy (used in a recipe for Swiss Steak). There was a single New York steak that I added two more from the grocery store and Carter and Papa and I had a steak dinner one night. Also a single salmon fillet turned into a Salmon Caesar Salad. I found a bag of tiny remnants of cheese that I defrosted and shred and made grilled cheese sandwiches when Carter was here and then used the rest in salads until that was gone. Since food prices are so high I'm pretty careful about what I buy, so everything I had to select from are items we enjoy so it's been pretty easy to make some good dinners.

We loved President Ford's Braised Eye of Round

I cleared out my vegetable bin with the most basic of sheet pan dinners. It's always a winner.

While I've been writing this post I've been communicating with a potential buyer on eBay and he just now purchased the last of my gorgeous Lalique Langeais goblets. I'll pack them up ASAP and go to the post office today. I'm going to ask him to send me pictures of his table as I think he wants them for Thanksgiving. I'm so happy they are going to a good home! 

Ebay is not without its drama though, so if you plan to sell, prepare for that. A buyer was not happy with her purchase. Ugh. I think she had buyer's remorse because the item went crazy with bidding and I think she got carried away and spent more than she could afford.  But she paid, I mailed, she opened it and then held on to it for a few days before she started flying off message after message. I could feel her panic and said, no problem, ship it back as I had other buyers. But no, she had a better idea. She wanted me to partially refund her. She said the hassle for both of us was surely worth a reduction in price?  I told her it was no hassle at all and I wanted her to ship it back, which she would have to pay FYI. After a few back and forths, I felt sorry for her and did a small partial refund. Frankly, I was surprised the item got such high bids and while my husband was convinced she was scamming me, I still felt badly for her. But in all my selling and donating, this was the only sour experience I've had and it wasn't really bad at all. I have a few things still listed on eBay and FB Marketplace, and I'm only too happy to donate them if they don't sell soon. Today I plan to clean up my living room shipping station and my house will be back to normal!

I've got two more knitting posts lined up to arrive before Thanksgiving, fingers crossed, so I'll see you soon!

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  1. That is a beautiful sweater. I marvel at your ability to make delicious meals out of things from the freezer.

  2. Love how this sweater lends itself to so many different color combinations from high contrast to subtle. Your lovely version is so you. Love that shade of blue! Chloe

    1. Thank you! FYI, finished the Paris memoir. It shocked me how much I even liked it. Not sure she's someone I'd lavish admiration on, but she strong and honest.


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