Wee Gingersnap in a new size

August 04, 2015

Thank you for your kind comments on my baby cardi pattern, Gingersnap.  Knitters have asked for different sizes, and yes, I'll be getting around to it--soonish--I know babies of all sizes get chilly, not just one year olds!  In the meantime, I did a little experiment and knit the sweater pattern exactly as written, but in DK weight yarn instead of worsted weight yarn.  Just by changing the gauge I was able to size down the sweater to fit a 6 month old.

The original Gingersnap is knit in worsted weight yarn with a gauge of 19 sts. by 28 rows per 4 inches which made a sweater that was chest 23" and length 12", the average one year size.  The sweater above was knit in DK weight yarn with a gauge of 21 sts. by 30 rows per 4 inches and made a sweater that was chest 21" and length 10.5" which is an average 6 mos. size.

Here's what I did:  I followed the pattern exactly except substituted DK weight yarn.  I used one skein each of Rowan Pure Wool DK in colors Anthracite, Cypress, and Snow.  Since I used every bit of the teal with only a few yards to spare, I made the collar in the Anthracite.  

Rowan Pure Wool DK is discontinued and has been replaced with Pure Wool Superwash DK.  It is similar in almost every way and is an easy sub.  You can compare the two yarns here:  Pure Wool DK and Pure Wool Superwash DK.  Both are soft and machine washable and perfect for family knitting.

I do think I'll put baby knits aside for the moment as I've got some other projects I'd like to get to.  Just for fun I have an American Girl doll version of Gingersnap in the works.  Stayed tuned for that pattern.  I've started Reed for my 14 year old granddaughter who is entering high school this year.  It's a very fast and easy knit, and the Cotton Lustre is wonderful to work with.  I have a few of Martin Storey's patterns from Easy DK Knits that I've also begun; Greenwich, Soho, and Holborn. I'm loving his new Rowan Loves (out very soon) and imagine I'll be starting Bellerose and Skyland.  For these I'll be using some new Fall/Winter yarns and some stash yarns.  I just bought some Imperial Yarn for Two Harbors for my daughter for Christmas. I've recently finished Langsett by Sarah Hatton and just need pics.  It's fantastic. 

Phew! If you think my project choices look too ambitious, it's not really, this kind of knitting frenzy is pretty normal for me.  I plan my projects in advance and always have at least a half dozen of them going on at once, all in different stages of completion, and they do get finished eventually.  I'm fickle when it comes to knitting!

If you don't have the original Gingersnap pattern, it's free, and you can download it here.

This project's Rav page.

Do you like to needlepoint?  I have an Elizabeth Bradley giveaway coming up next week!


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  1. I LOVE that you knit ALL the things - seeing your WIPs and FOs is always inspirational. And I'm delighted to see you're knitting Reed. We joked about it at our shop because we couldn't imagine who would wear it. Duh, a teenager! (clearly we're all past those years as moms, but not quite to them as grandmothers!)

    1. Mary, you would look adorable in Reed! I think it's appropriate for women; but maybe make it a bit longer or wear it with tights and boots? I'll try it on before I send it off and maybe I'll be brave enough to post pictures! Either way, I'll make sure I get pictures of my granddaughter wearing it. She is excited!

  2. What yarns are you using for the Easy DK and Rowan Loves projects?

    1. For Greenwich I have some Rowan British Breeds DK that I purchased last year half price in England at Black Sheep in Manchester (great shop!). For Soho I'm using two strands together of KSH Eclipse, which knits to a perfect DK weight when held together and is so wonderful! For the Holburn I'm holding a strand of KSH and a strand of Fine Art together. It's really lovely together and just did the same for the Langsett dress. I am trying to make at least every other knit out of stash and have been for the last year or two. It's really brought my stash to a more manageable size. As for adding to the stash, I'm much better at saying no, and only buying yarn if I have a specific pattern for it.

    2. Thanks so much. This is helpful since I am considering some of those patterns and I also have more stashed than I know what to do with :) Great ideas.

  3. I love most of the sweaters shown, but I think Holborn would look better with the buttons buttoned. As shown, it looks like the model gained weight.


  4. Cudowny, malutki cardiganik:-) Pozdrawiam serdecznie:-)

  5. Are you able to provide the gingersnap cardigan pattern for a two year old?

    1. Hi Rosemary. No, I do not have it sized for a two year old. I was hoping to, but I have not been able to get around to it and don't know if or when it will happen in the future. :(


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