
August 28, 2015

Hi!  Here's my third FO in a series of ten that my young neighbor, Jessica, modeled for me.  Phebe was a test knit way back in spring.  The designer, Sara Elizabeth Schmidt had designed a popular pattern sized for children called Loren Revisited.  I posted the pretty pattern link on my Knitionary Facebook page and it was crazy popular.  Many readers asked if the designer could scale it up for an adult, so I asked her.  She said she was busy for a few months, but had wanted to do that for a while and she would get to it soon, she promised.  I told her I'd test knit it when she had the pattern finished.  A few months later she sent the pattern to me and I dropped everything to knit it.  I had some ancient Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran in a lovely watery blue/green that was the perfect match.  Knitting garter stitch with an earthy tweed is like peas and carrots--perfect partners!  The pattern, as you can imagine, is very easy to knit and the resulting cardigan is more like a coatigan; bulky-thick, cozy and warm.  I absolutely love it's stylish simplicity.  It turned out to be my grab-and-go cardigan; in Northern California the weather is fickle and even in the summer, when the sun begins to set or if we drive to the mountains or to the coast, it can chilly quickly, so for that reason, I almost never leave the house without a sweater.

Did Jessica like it?  Yes, she did!  She was all smiles when she came out to model, saying, "Oh, I love this so much.  I feel like I'm Kate Middleton!"  Yes, I could see Princess Kate (or is she a Duchess, I don't really know!) wearing this--it seems like her style.  I asked Jessica if she would wear it a lot, and she said, "All the time!"  So now it lives with Jessica, and because I loved knitting it, I will make another for me.  

After Jessica modeled so beautifully for me, we went into my bedroom and opened my super-large sweater wardrobe and had a fun fashion show.  I was absolutely delighted to see how gorgeous she looked in everything.  You all know what a prolific knitter I am, and I couldn't possibly wear all the sweaters I've knit.  I love to hand out sweaters to my daughter and granddaughter, plus I have a few friends who wear my size.  Jessica ended up scoring and going home with a hefty bag of sweaters.  She emailed me and told me that on the first day of school she wore one of my Kim Hargreave's peplum pullovers knit in white cotton.  Of the sweaters I gave her, every one but two can be machine washed.  I recommended she get a sweater bag, and when washing, turn the sweater inside-out, put it in the sweater bag and wash in cool water on gentle cycle.  Tumble dry on low until almost dry.  While still damp, lay flat and pat to shape to finish drying.  This sweater above and another sweater, a Kidsilk Haze sweater, cannot be machine washed.  I told her when it was time to wash them, bring them over and I'll show her how I hand wash sweaters.  It's an art, right?  There's lots more beauties coming up, so stay tuned!

Phebe knitting pattern by Sara Elizabeth Schmidt.

The children's version of this sweater, Loren Revisited.

Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran is discontinued,
but an excellent tweedy sub would be Felted Tweed Aran.

I made a few mods for fit, read them on my Ravelry Project Page for Phebe.


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  1. Now this one I may just have to knit!

  2. Oh man, it sounds like she did score!!

  3. As a Brit - I can help here - but this might not make sense. Kate is a princess as she is married to a prince. However they are known by their titles as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The Queen is married to the Duke of Edinburgh - he cannot be King because the throne is hers and as a king he would be more important - as a man!!!!!!! Kate will become Queen because the throne belongs to William. On the plus side had Princess Charlotte been born before Prince George then she would still have inherited the throne first because the rule about boys first was abolished when Kate was first pregnant - small steps forward :) I hope that made sense - and I love the jacket.

    1. Thank you for the clarification. I'm one of those Americans who is fascinated by the English royal family, but honestly, don't know all the titles or what they mean. I'm glad to see that the royals have made a few steps forward! I think Kate and William, along with their children, are a real boost to the royal family.

  4. Isn't that sweater just perfect on her! As someone who's always freezing, I would love that one

    1. Yep, me too, always freezing. It has to be in the 90s for me to feel warm! I've got the yarn to knit this again, and this time I'll hold tight to it!

  5. Kristen, as she grows up, she will always remember you as that nice lady next door who asked her to model her hand knits and then gave her a bushel of them to take with her! What a lovely gesture!

    She looks adorable in your knits and I know, for you, it feels good to have someone wearing them. I like that you instructed her on the care and keeping of them and offered to hand wash them no less (or at least teach her how ;-) )!

    1. Oh, that is a nice thought: that I will be remembered as the nice lady across the street! I love that! She certainly is a sweet girl!


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