35 Free Spring Projects to Knit

March 11, 2015

If you follow my Knitionary Facebook page, you know I try to share a free pattern a day.
But if you're not on FB, here are 35 projects for the Easter basket, and they're all free!  
The pattern links are in each caption.

Bobble Sheep Pillow from Purl Bee

Baby Bunny and Bunting from Churchmouse Yarns

Henry's Bunny by Sara Elizabeth Kellner

Chick Egg Cosies by Derya Davenport
Peter Rabbit from Joyful Toys

Bunny Nuggets by Rebecca Danger

Bunny Hop Thrummed Bunny Slippers by Nikol Lohr

Big Bunny from Purl Bee

Spring Kerchief by Iko Uemura
Beautiful Spring Scarf from Purl Bee

Robin's Nest by Purl Bee

Sugarfoot by Kristen Rettig

Snickerdoodle by Kristen Rettig

Chevron Baby Blanket from Purl Bee

Cascade by Raya Budrevich

Bunny Beanie by Noe Knit

Cherie by Martin Storey
Chick by Martin Storey

Easter Bunnies by Vicki Sedgwick

Jill by Martin Storey.  I made this, so adorable!
Fluffy Bunny and Elly, both by Martin Storey
Saartje's Booties

Fuzzy Mitten Lamb by Barbara Prime

Granny Squares from Purl Bee

Easter Chicks and Eggs from Purl Bee

Edmund the Easter Bunny by Jem Weston

Bunny Hats for Eggs by Tatyana Korobkova

Spring Fingerless Gloves by Anniki Leppik

Tete d'oeuf by Kristen Rettig

Lambing Mitts by Veronika Jobe

Bunny Cardigan by Martin Storey

Easter Bunny Eggwarmer by Garnstudio

Easter Socks by Garnstudio

Easter Bunny from Lion Brand

Linked to the Dedicated House


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  1. Thank you for all the research!

  2. love this! the sheep pillow and lambing mitts are my fave.

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