Wool People 3, what are you knitting?

June 26, 2012

 The Brooklyn Tweed Wool People 3 came out, exciting news for knitters!
The patterns are all lightweight and have an airy feel.

At first glance, I love Breckon. 

 Also Reine, Boardwalk and Themis.

I also love Walpole by Hannah Fettig and Biston, the shrug below.


The yarn used for the projects is Brooklyn Tweed Loft.
I haven't used it yet, but love fingering weight yarn,
and the worsted weight Shelter of his line I have used, and loved it.
It would be great to dive into something tweedy and wooly right now,
but must finish my summer knits first.  Must!

I also have two summer recipes for you.  Our garden is big for just us two, and this time of year I need to be creative and think of ways to eat our bounty.  You'll laugh at my "recipe" for cold cucumber soup, I've been making this for years:

Peel and seed 1 medium cucumber and put in a food processor.  Add 1/2 cup fat-free Greek style yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste) and 1/8 teaspoon sugar.  Whirl until smooth.  Serve chilled with snipped dill and chives.  Serves 2.  Please try it, it will be the best you've tasted, but I do think the key is to use excellent yogurt.

I only had 4 little patty pan squash to pick today.  Here's how I prepared them:

Parboil whole patty pan squash for 5 minutes.  Cool, then slice off top and scoop out seeds to leave a large cavity.  Fill with desired filling, place in baking dish with 1/4 cup water and bake covered for 20 minutes or until fork tender.

My filling changes with what's on hand and today this was what I could glean from the fridge and garden:  1/2  chicken breast, chopped, 3 spoons quinoa salad, some chopped onion thinnings from the garden, 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts and a half tomato chopped.  I quick stirred it on the stove then added 2 spoons grated cheese and stuffed the cavities. They were very good. 

The dinner does look light, but on the table we also had fresh veggies and dip for munching.  Both my husband and I went out for lunch and wanted something light for dinner.  It was perfect!

I'm so happy summer is here.  I find many things to love about every season, it's true, but summer to me means garden harvest and that is sooooo special.  Every evening my husband and I stroll around the veggie garden to admire and inspect.

We are especially excited about the tomatoes, our prize veggie around here.  
We have some new-for-us varieties and can't wait for the taste tests to begin!

On another note altogether, there was a movie star sighting in my town last week.  Ashton Kutcher was here filming "Jobs", playing the lead role of Steve Jobs who grew up here in Los Altos.  They blocked off his street for a few days and filmed at the house where he grew up (his step mother still lives there).  They set up a commissary at the local Catholic church and created a bit of a stir in town.  It was fun reading the book about Jobs as so many of the locations were so familiar to me, and quite a few of our acquaintances are in the book too.  I loved the book, and as a die-hard Apple fan, I reveled in his genius.

Hope your summer days are long and lovely.

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  1. Kristen,
    what a yummy post! I mean for all tastes!
    The new book by BT is beautiful as usual, but I always have so many of my own ideas, that I can't get other patterns.
    Your cucumber recipe sound very good! My mom used to make something similar a long time ago and I loved it.
    Happy summer knitting!

  2. I hadn't seen the release yet for the new BT book - must go check it out! I just downloaded the pattern for the Allegheny dress from issue 2, so I'm kind of behind!

    Thanks for the patty pan recipe - looks delish!

  3. Bought Walpole last night. It is just what I have been searching for to duplicate a lightweigh Laura Ashley jacket that I just love.

    Just have to decide what to swatch it out of, have two yarns that are contenders.

    I am so excited by quite a few of these sweaters.

  4. You do have a beautiful garden!


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