Little Red

June 08, 2012

I've often talked about our day trips on this blog and when we go day-tripping, it's often in this little guy, my husband's restored and most beloved 62 Corvette.  Oh, this car is so much fun!  It makes you feel happy, and people smile and wave when they see an old red Corvette on the road, and I don't think I often see my husband as happy as when he's driving Little Red. 

It's such a perfect little car.  It's all shiny sexy red on the outside, and vintagy nostalgic in the interior.   It goes vroom vroom just like it should and purs like a tiger when it's idling.  It's been in the shop for a long bit, and when we finally got it back our first outing was to the coast.

 We take Highway 92, the scenic pass through the coastal mountains.
My husband insists that the top is ALWAYS down,
and on a day like this, it's perfect.

It's a beautiful drive, winding through Christmas tree farms, nurseries, 
cut-flower farms and of course a winery.


It pops you out at California State Hwy 1, the uber scenic road 
that hugs the shore for most of the state.
The Pacific is right in front of you and I never tire of gazing at the beautiful ocean.
I love the smell, the way the air feels, the dip in temperature, 
it's all part of my girlhood memories of living close to the beaches of southern California.

The coast was a tad cloudy and chilly, but no mind, I came prepared with 
blankets and a bundle of sweaters.

We turned south and headed toward the
teensy farming hamlet of Pescadero, just off Hwy 1. 
Just a mile in from the coast and the clouds start to clear.


Pescadero is a town full of charm, and for me, 
there are two extra reasons to keep returning:   Duartes and Harley Farms.

Duartes, a family run restaurant and tavern for over 100 years, 
 is a favorite with bikers, fishermen and locals, 
but on this quiet weekday we find a place to park right in front.

We lunched on local and fresh crab, bread, artichokes and cheese...divine.  


This town is so itty bitty, you might not think to get back in your car,
drive through town just past the bridge, but do.
Turn right on North St. and head up 1/2 mile and on your right is the cutest, 
sweetest goat farm on the planet.


 Before shopping we wandered the gardens and admired the baby goats.

They have a lovely shop with tasting samples of everything they sell.
Dee Harley is famous for her beautifully decorated goat's milk cheese.

Local olive oils.

Local honey.

Everything they sell is local made.

Copper garden tools.

We'll come back to Pescadero in a few weeks when the
olallieberries are ready to pick at Phipps Ranch.
Olallies are my husband's all-time favorite berry.
Pies and jams are in our future!

Marinated Artichoke Hearts

Before we left the coast we drove down the charming
main street of Half Moon Bay.

And pulled right up to Fengari!
(My man doesn't even blink when I squeal KNIT STORE,
he just pulls over, sweet guy.)

Besides celebrating the return of Little Red
and a yearning for fresh crab and sea air,
our main reason for this day trip was to buy goat cheese for the evening's dinner party.

I made these little goat cheese croutons, all melty and delicious, 
for our small dinner party that night.  
All the veggies were from the garden.

We had such a nice day and evening,
and we're really glad Little Red is back on the road!

All the best, Kristen

Hey Miss Bella, how did you sneak into this post?

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