Bits and Pieces

June 07, 2012

Hello!  I've been awol from my blog and blog reading.  Summer gardening and some trips have kept me busy, but wanted to show off the garden before I go off on another trip to take my mom to her high school reunion in a small farm town in southern California.

But first, look what I won!  A beautifully squishy soft 450 yard hank of grey alpaca/bamboo mix won from Lori over at Knit Zilla.  She raises alpacas and will soon be offering her yarn for sale.  But right now she has another give-away on her blog so rush right over and become a follower, that's all it takes to enter her give-away!

With it I plan on making the Stripe Study Shawl by Veera with the equally gorgeous cream alpaca/silk blend from Silver Springs that I got from Stitches West.  These two yarns are so soft and pretty, I'm sure it will become a favorite.  I also love that they are from animals that live in the US plus they're milled here too.

Our 39th anniversary was last week and we went to Waterbar in San Francisco.  We LOVED it, the atmosphere, the food and the view.


It was a perfect place to celebrate and we will definitely go again.  I don't know if you can tell from this picture but to our left there were two round 2 story fish tanks in the main dining room and to our right was this view of the bay bridge.  Amazing.

The garden is keeping us busy.  Watering and weeding and harvesting is never ending but it's all part of the rhythm of summer that I cherish so much.

The granddogs are visiting today, they are excellent gardeners.

One last thing, we had a fun day at my lys, Uncommon Threads.  The rep from Madeline Tosh was there with a sample of every yarn in every color that is offered.  You can imagine how exited we all were, much better than a candy store!

I love the frenzy created by women in love with yarn, and naturally got caught up in it (!) and ordered some beautiful ToshDK in a pink named Vintage Sari and also, Robins' Egg, a pretty turquoise for a scarf.

All the best, Kristen

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  1. Wow, Kristen, what an impressive garden! I can imagine all of the delicious meals you'll create from your harvest...yum!

  2. P.S. Happy Anniversary, wishes for many more!

  3. Happy anniversary! And congrats on your win - that yarn does look scrumptious!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love the photos of your garden and the dogs playing. :-) The waterbar reminds me of the central column at the New England Aquarium.

  5. What a delectable blog post--garden yummies, chocolate, San Francisco scenery and yarn! I wouldn't know which color to pick of the Madeline Tosh but it sounds like you chose some good ones. Happy anniversary!


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