Yule Do

February 07, 2024

Yule Do! Such a cute name! I enjoyed knitting this so much and love the little Christmas trees, dreidels and garland swags. Even though it's somewhat Christmasy I'll be wearing this any time of year. The yarn, Rowan Island Blend Fine, is next-to-skin soft, plus it's well behaved and very pleasant to work with. I purchased a sweater's worth in white and have some leftover black from another sweater, my Paul Klee, and with them I'm going to make Sipila. I'm looking forward to that but do have a few projects to finish before I start anything new, plus I'm thinking of starting my summer cotton projects. I'm also on a colorwork crush right now. So many projects, so little time. I think my next post should be a 2024 project wish list.

A future project.

The moss is green and the paperwhites are blooming!

  • My granddaughter has entered the world of blogging and I invite you to read her blog, Disability Discussions. Despite having autism and hereditary spastic paraplegia, she recently graduated summa cum laude from California State University at Channel Islands with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. Her blog will be a platform in which she can further her studies in disability inclusion, specifically focused on the media's portrayal of people with disabilities. Annie's life has not always been easy, but she has handled her limitations with grace and grit and we are beyond proud of her. I hope you'll pop onto her site and visit my beautiful, sensitive, resourceful and brainy granddaughter. Please forward this information to anyone you think would be interested. 💛
  • Read about Annie here.
  • Sign up for her newsletter here. (She would be thrilled!)
  • Read her weekly blog posts here.
  • Most touching to me is the poem she wrote about autism.

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  1. This is great! Bet it was fun knitting it, Kristen. Sometimes times I think Isabel designed the pattern just so she could use that design name:). Chloe

    1. Thank you! So true! When she thought of the name I'll bet she couldn't wait to design a Christmas sweater!

  2. Sipila is beautiful! Annies "poem" is definitely touching. She is amazing.

    1. Thank you so much. She is amazing. I read that poem several times a week. It touches me--the courage that it must take to face the world every day when you don't get things right. I'm so proud of her strength and tenacity.

  3. Another beautiful project! You must all be so proud of Annie. I hope you saw my reply on Ravelry!

  4. Dear Kristen, I just saw this section on Annie - sometimes I miss things for a variety of reasons - and was blown away by her eloquence, articulate writing, her talent and her bravery. I hope she will

  5. Sorry, hard to comment here sometimes because of the computer mechanics… I hope her blog gets the attention it deserves. What she says applies to so many with disabilities and it is important to emphasize how practicing overall simple human kindness helps people with disabilities particularly because maybe then they have to Ask less and be helped more without a lot of embarrassing fanfare. As a guide to how to help, We should all ask ourselves what we would do/want in a similar situation. I am sure Annie will help us all with more specific instances as we read more of her blog. Chloe

    1. Thank you so much Chloe. You are so very dear to see her beauty. I'm amazed that she can write with such kindness in her voice about situations that must be so frustrating for her. Yes, you are right. It's all about kindness isn't it? Patience and kindness.


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