Valentine sweetheart peg people

February 02, 2024


Would you like a Valentine craft that will make you smile all day? This will do the trick. I had so much fun making these peg dolls and their darling sweetheart boxes downloaded from Etsy. If you love to make peg dolls, let this be your Valentine inspo! I've got the very simple how-to including links at the bottom of this post.

You know I'm a big fan of peg people and love that they create mountains of opportunities for imaginary play. Even though my 6 year old grandson has Lego people and action figures galore, he still reaches for his peg people. The best ones are the ones he has made himself--there's a scary big bad wolf and three little pink pigs. There's also a blue fairy, some field mice and a bad bunny foo foo, all with little faces scribbled on. I'm happy to know that these sweethearts will be added to the peg doll family. .

I'm hosting our 2nd Friday dinner group this month and will have a Valentine theme for the dessert and I'll pass these out as party favors. Everyone has several grandchildren and I hear that over the years the dolls have gone into dollhouses and fairy houses and have been lined up on windowsills and stuffed into pockets and that makes me very happy. I made a few extra and will be giving a set to my neighbors who have three young children, my cleaning lady who has a four year old niece, and of course my grandson.

love their little faces 💜

Can you die of cuteness?

My attempt at painting hearts on their tummies was hopeless, so I used some puffy stickers I found in my grandson's sticker stash. Of course I had to make some champagne cork mushrooms too.

For the ultimate in peg doll inspiration, the talented Margaret Bloom has authored two books on the subject: Making Peg Dolls and Making Peg Dolls and MoreI enjoy these books so much and when I realized we were practically neighbors, I reached out and we met for coffee. I was the test maker for a few of her designs and had so much fun. She is so talented and I admire her so much. 

The box was a download I purchased from Etsy. Links are below. Before printing, I sized the box to my own specifications. I printed on 65# cardstock. More details below.

Since I make so many peg people I buy my dolls in bulk and store them in this Ikea box in my sewing room. The drawers hold different sizes of peg people, plus clothespegs and heads for making clothespin dolls. The drawers pull out easily and can be brought over to the craft table individually. I love making these dolls and already have an idea for Easter peg people and thinking way way ahead, have a fantastic Christmas idea that I hope I can pull off. 

For my painters palette I use plastic product packaging that I rip off and save just for this purpose. Using them again gives them at least one more life.

  • How to:

  • For the wood dolls you'll need 2 3/8" wood peg dolls, paint, and paintbrushes. I gave each doll two coats and left their faces unpainted. I used toothpicks to dot paint for  the eyes and mouth.  For a smiling eye make a little half moon then place a dot on top. Make the eyes more wide apart then you think you need. They are cuter that way. For a sweetheart mouth, make two dots next to each other, then on each dot, draw the paint down at an angle to meet each other. I used a Qtip for the cheeks.

  • For the candy boxes you need to purchase this download from this adorable Etsy store. You'll also need scissors, an exacto knife and glue. Tiny clothes pins or paper clips will help to hold the box together while the glue dries. Before printing, I sized the box to fit my needs. I printed it on 65# cardstock. That weight was easy to fold yet holds up well as a tiny box. To keep the dolls in place I used double sided sticky tape.

  • I adored making these and hope you will give them a try. 💙💚💛💜 

  • wood peg dolls
  • paintbrushes (I ordered 2 sets recently and love them)
  • acrylic craft paint
  • Cutie Pie Sweetheart box download
  • I've ordered several things from KB and Friends on Etsy. Love her.

The Peg People say goodbye!

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  1. They are adorable!!!!!

  2. These are adorable. I will have to keep them in mind to do with my grandchild when she is a bit older. Chloe

  3. I was inspired me to try this project. It was more complicated than my usual Valentine projects, but WOW! It turned out beautifully. Your step-by-step instructions and photos were perfect and made me look like an artist! Thank you for sharing. Christie

    1. I'm completely thrilled that you made these! Were't the so fun to make too? Thank you for letting me know!


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