My Christmas house and wishing you a gently paced holiday season

December 08, 2023

Good morning! Last week, when I began to decorate our house for Christmas, I decided to check out what I did last year. I looked at this blog post and decided I loved it and did my best to recreate it. Have you ever done that? It sure makes decisions easy, especially when you decorate every room in the house. This year I bought a few new decor items, and anything that I left behind in the boxes I decided to donate. My motto for Christmas this year and moving forward is: If I don't use it, pass it on. On that note, I'm dropping off a big bag of Christmas crafts to Carter's classroom today. His teacher loves me! 

The glittery cardboard village I made last year (or was it the year before that?) looks so pretty on the living room mantle. Here's a gorgeous similar village here, and this less expensive village here. Villages are fun to make and would be a great family project.

The Christmas tree is always in the same spot laden with our ornaments collected over the years, many of them handmade. A new addition are these beautiful cordless clip-on candle lights. They have a remote control and timer function, two different flicker modes and a light brightness feature.  I imagine I will be using them this summer for an outdoor party. I bought them on Amazon, 30 for $36.95 and love them.

In the dining room: the nativity I painted last year and a new addition of Target pottery votives. They have a little light inside on a timer, all 3 for $10! I couldn't find them on their website but my Target had several sets. I put them up in November and will leave them out through February.

Can't let the guest bath go without a little cheer!

The entry way.

The hallway.

The nativity I grew up with is in our bedroom this year. Mother always let my brother and me play with it (and there are plenty of chips to prove it) and since I remember loving this as a little girl, I always have this at children's height so Carter (and before that his daddy) can play with it and continue the tradition. In years past Carter has added dinosaurs, Sonic and PJ characters, and I can't wait to see what will appear this year.

In the kitchen, the metal leaf swag from Anthropologie a few years back, hung with my homemade ornaments. You may remember them, Santas and toadstools and a new snowman that I'll show next week.

New this year from Walmart, this handsome stag candleholder near my kitchen sink. Also new, these battery operated pillar candles found on Amazon. They are a set of nine for $28 and are on auto timer with several settings. I have these set to light at 4:30 which is about the time I go into the kitchen, turn on Christmas music and start to think about fixing dinner. It's such a warm welcome and I love them! I have the other three on my front porch and three more in my bedroom. They have the nicest adjustable glow and flicker without that wiggly "flame" that disturbs me somehow. These are very nice, but are plastic and not waxed coated, fyi.

The kitchen dining area buffet. I painted my zinc houses bronze last year.

Carter's advent tree with the little stockings I made last year. He is now six and has realized the value of money so in the stockings this year I scattered 10 one dollar bills and filled the other socks with candy. On December 25 he will find a FIVER! He is spending the night tonight and lost a tooth (his third, so he is an old pro) this morning at home. He is bringing it with him so it will be our job to remember tooth fairy duties. I think he's saving his loot for something but I can't imagine what that is, his Christmas list covered quite a big range, but mostly art supplies I was happy to see. There was a nice selection of colored pencils and markers and this light-up tracing kit that looks like fun, so we got those. I also bought him a Spirograph Jr. I remember loving mine long ago and hope he likes it too!

The family room mantle with the knitted snowman and houses

As I was thinking about writing this decorating post, I felt like I wanted to insert another message--about how I'm hoping to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the holidays but avoid becoming rundown. With all the things that are vying for our attention in December--shopping, baking, parties, volunteering, and so much more, how do we get the balance just right? I will try to remember that I can't fit it all in and shouldn't try. I will remember that I can say no. I can ask for help. I can create downtime. And I can do these things without feeling guilt, because practicing self-care is a good thing. I wish for you and me, a gently paced holiday season.

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  1. Such beautifully placed decorations. You certainly don’t need it but I wonder ifvyou have ever read the Penny Whistle Christmas, etc. Party books So fun. Chloe

    1. Thank you Chloe! I have never heard of Penny Whistle and when I looked it up I couldn't believe how prolific the series is! They sound adorable and are not in my library as far as I can see, but after Christmas when things slow down I'm going to investigate further. I love that sort of thing as you know!

  2. Your house and decorations look beautiful! The homemade ornaments are amazing. You are so talented, its unbelievable. The purchased items I like the most are the cordless candles for the tree. Merry Christmas.

  3. I just love your flair for design, decoration. Im feeling so lacksadaisical. Your energy makes me feel tired. haha. Thankyou. I just love your blog.

    1. Awww, thank you. My energy wanes and waxes and when I feel energized, I take advantage!

  4. Although we celebrate Hanukkah, I am enjoying your postings of Christmas decor so I can enjoy the beauty you have created

    1. Happy belated Hanukkah to you! We celebrate Hanukkah by one night making latkes and serving applesauce. We'll have them again on Christmas Day with lingonberry jam and my Swedish grandmother's recipe for "boneless birds", which is pounded thinly sliced beef with a pickle! We don't have potato pancakes too often, but during the holiday. season, how can you say no?

  5. Your blog is always gorgeous and inspiring. Chloe

  6. Everything everywhere in your house looks so beautiful. It is much like our house in Dubai where we raised our four girls. Decorations were collected over the span of 33 years. Now they have been distributed among them. Thank you showing us and writing all about what Christmas means to you.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. It's always been on my wish list to visit Dubai. Do you and your family still live there? I'm tickled to think I have a reader in Dubai. Holiday blessings to you.

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