Christmas in July

July 28, 2022


Look at these little socks! Eeek! They are so cute, but then anything in miniature is especially adorable and these little socks make my heart melt. Plus they were fun to make! I used my leftovers of sport weight and heavy fingering weight wool yarns; mainly a mix of Quince and Co. Chickadee, Brooklyn Tweed Peerie, Hudson and West Weld, and Rosy Greens Manx Merino Fine. To unify the look of my jumble of colors, I chose to stripe each sock and to add even more unity to the group, I added the number buttons.

The pattern is free and is knit in one piece with two needles and a seam, but you can easily modify it and knit it in the round with no seam. I used Katrinkles Advent Calendar Buttons and sewed them on with all six plies of DMC six-ply embroidery floss in turkey red. The buttons finish the set off beautifully. My idea is to hide tiny candies in each toe and hang them across my fireplace mantel on December first. I'm thinking of Good & Plentys or M&Ms, maybe two in each sock because these are candies that both my 5 year old grandson and his Papa love. When Carter is with us, he and Papa can have fun finding the right day and share a wee treat. 

Advent Buttons from Katrinkles (I bought the 3/4", 1-25)

I hope you don't think it's too early to be sharing Christmas ideas. As a crafter, I love to get started early on my Christmas crafting. This project has been in my queue for many years and I'm thrilled that I took the time this summer to make it happen. If this project interests you, then with a goal of knitting two a week you will have this done well before Christmas.

Now for something that is more July appropriate--this morning we had our first big tomato harvest and I made summer's first batch of roasted tomato sauce. Within my small circle of family and friends I don't mind saying that I'm a little bit famous for this tomato sauce. It's truly fabulous and fun to make too. Two buckets of tomatoes filled two very large roasters and each roaster made 3 plus quarts of sauce. And the bonus: the house smells divine! We have fewer tomato plants this year but I still hope to put at least 20 quarts in the freezer. For my recipe you can use your own garden tomatoes or farmer's market tomatoes. But now's the time, and here's the recipe! 

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  1. Your Christmas mini knit stockings are displayed in a fun way. You must have had quite a very ends to sew in! The tomato pics remind me of helping my mom/grandmother make sauce yrs ago.

  2. Yeah, there were a lot of ends to weave! Thank you for your comment!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing your display idea for the mini stockings, which I requested. I am up to 12 finished so far. My plan is to fill with Lifesavers, Hershey's Kisses, miniature seashells I have collected, miniature plastic creatures, coins and whatever else I eventually think of!

    1. Coins are a great idea, plus love the Hershey's Kisses too.

  4. Dear Kristen, I love your advent stockings and can't wait to see what you come up with for other Christmas ideas. I too love to start early and always on the lookout for something new that I can craft.

    1. Thank you. If you knit for 18" dolls I hope to have a Christmas sweater pattern ready. I also plan on a few gnomes for Christmas because Christmas crafting is the best!


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