my eden

May 23, 2022

It's time to show Eden, our magnificent climbing rose that heralds the entrance to our compact vegetable garden. Every year Eden is beautiful, but this year it is a show stopper. It's breathtaking! Let me sing the praises for Eden because it has it all: beautiful bud and long lasting bloom that continues to be gorgeous at every stage. The color stays strong and maintains its fragrance throughout. As the bud opens, the bloom unfurls with what seems like a hundred petals. It also has healthy, glossy foliage, is disease resistant and a rebloomer through fall. Each bloom will get successively smaller, but always so welcome. While Eden is our most beautiful and best performing rose, a contrast on the other side of the bower is Joseph's Coat. It rarely performs well and this year it has petered out already. We have decided to remove that rose this winter and replace with another Climbing Eden.

Our vegetable garden is coming along. We've harvested some early tiny summer squash and the thinnings of the dill, onions and lettuces. It looks like I'll be picking radishes soon. The tomatoes have little green tomatoes, a little late in setting as we've had uncharacteristically cold nights and tomatoes like to set their fruit when the evenings are milder. Warm weather is here and by looking at the tomatoes I think we'll have a good crop.

And inside the home we are busy too! The oranges just keep getting sweeter and juicier. I'm so glad we still have some for my brother. Yes, my brother is finally visiting! I haven't seen him in three years! Good thing he is here for ten days because we have a big project. We have six bankers boxes of memorabilia from our family--mother, father, aunt, six uncles, two cousins and our grandparents, and even tidbits from our own childhoods. My mother had been safe keeper of all. Her method of keeping it safe was to stuff it into boxes in absolutely no order, then giving to me to store in my attic. My brother and I cannot leave these boxes for our children to deal with; it's just not a nice thing to do and the buck must stop here. So right now, while we still can, my kind brother and I going through each box, taking out each paper one by one, then deciding what to do. We have a process and I promise in another post to let you know how we are going through sentimental family items. Our plan seems to be working very well so far. 

I don't want you to think I am cracking the whip and putting my lovely visitor to toil non stop. Not at all! We set the timer for 1 hour and get as much done as we can, occasionally stopping to go down memory lane and have some laughs. When the timer goes off, we stop where we are and do something fun, like lunch. Seriously, I have planned some good dinners and let him pick our menus-- tacos and mom's pinto beans (we grew up in Southern California and love our Mexican food), also shrimp risotto, Thai stuffed poblanos, and mom's spaghetti bolognese plus plenty of dinners and lunches out.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your pictures of Eden. My, that is one ultra happy rose!!

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you for sharing your beautiful climbing roses! Is that a David Austin or another brand? I love it!!

    2. Most beautiful climbing rose forever!

    3. Thank you! I think Eden is an older French varietal but it is available through David Austin. I really don't know it's actual breeder.

  2. Your Eden roses are beautiful! I have never seen so many roses on one bush. Luck lady.


  3. Thank you, Kristen! I love looking at your beautiful garden and knitting 🧶

  4. Your beautiful roses are always so uplifting. And so abundant! Recently visited my sister and worked on the same, but ran into too many road blocks (who ARE these people?) to finish. More photos and dinners out in our future! Chloe


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