Soup finale

November 28, 2020

This is part two of a two-part series. Read part one here

I'm back again for the last day of soup making. Yesterday took about an hour of active time with chopping, straining and washing up, and today's active time will take even less. Your stock is now chilled and jelled because yesterday's long slow cooking released the healthful minerals and collagen that causes jelling, and it also released the fat and scum. Scrape the layers of fat and sediment with a spatula to reveal the jelled broth hidden underneath, see pictures below. I was left with 10 cups of rich golden yellow broth.  I wanted 12 cups, so I added water and a large chicken bouillon cube (our secret). Put the broth, sliced carrots and celery into a large soup pot and heat on high until it reaches a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender, around 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. There may be a little foamy scum that rises and I spoon off most of that. 

Note, I toss the fat, but some cuisines use rendered chicken fat in recipes, so maybe turkey fat too? Anyway, I'll pass. While the veggies are cooking:

-Make rice or noodles. 

-Stem and chiffonade the spinach: stack leaves and slice into thin 1/4" strips

-When vegetables are tender, add chopped meat and spinach and cook for another 5 minutes. Adjust seasoning if necessary.

-To serve, put a spoon or two of rice or noodles in soup bowl, ladle with soup and sprinkle on garnish such as chopped parsley or toasted pinenuts if desired. I don't add the rice or noodles directly to the soup pot as they can get mushy when reheated.

Freezes well for up to 3 months. 

If you don't have time to make soup today, the stock as is can stay in the refrigerator for up to two days. You can freeze the broth for later soup making: defat then simmer to melt the broth and put in freezer containers leaving 1/2" headspace.

This is the same way I make chicken stock. I save bones in a big container I keep in the freezer, and when it's full, about every two months, I make chicken stock.

Enjoy your beautiful soup! Thanks for joining me. I hope you thought it was fun and informative. I love to share my joy of stock making! 

xo Kristen

I purposely didn't show you a picture of the turkey carcass because who wants to see that?
I'm only showing these unattractive pictures because I want you to see what it looks like
before it becomes beautiful soup. 😳

I'd love to hear from you, especially if you made stock with me.

To comment, scroll down if on the website, or click here.

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  1. Very nice blog posts Kristen. I see you are a great cook as well as a great knitter. Best wishes to you! Ellie

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. I love to cook and particularly love to make stock of all kinds. I save almost everything I think would go into the stock pot, freeze it and when I know I'm going to be home for the day I'll go ahead and make stock. It's a good habit I got into. xo Kristen

    2. I meant to say a good habit I got into years ago!

  2. Loved making the stock using your guidance and it turned out wonderful. I did have some turkey “stuff” after straining the first round. Made sure all bones were removed but not sure how to use it. Thought maybe the neighbor might like it to add to his dogs food as a treat. Using the final instructions I made up soup last evening and cooking some Pennsylvania Dutch noodles to ladle the broth and veggies over. It was divine! I also am almost done with the socks I was knitting during the 4 hour cooking phase. I’m now going to invest in a chinois.

    1. Great! I throw all the turkey stuff away but I have picked through it before to give to dogs. Seems a shame to throw it out. I think you’ll love having a chinois. I use it about once a week for something or other. It fits easily in the dishwasher too.

      Thank you for letting me know that you cooked alongside me. I’m so happy it turned out well too.


    2. Forgot to say I have never heard of Pennsylvania Dutch Noodles and had to look them up. They look divine! I don't think we can buy them here in California.

  3. I just found your blog and love so many things...your knitting, Christmas, gardening and home decor. To top it off...we have the same flatware/silverware! I've never known anyone who has the same pattern. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. 18th Century! I've loved it since I picked it out at age 21. It's still beautiful, isn't it?


You make my day when you make a comment!


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