
April 09, 2020

If there is one thing that has not paid any attention to the calamity in the world, it's the garden. It's a soulful consolation during this time and is greening up like it always does every spring. Today it looked so pretty washed with a sprinkling of rain, who cares if the skies are gray? In my own little spot of isolation, the peonies and wisteria are starting to bloom and it looks like we have a good chance of having a grand show on Easter Sunday. We've planted the patty pan squashes and tomatoes out in the garden. In the greenhouse the cucumbers and zinnias have just been planted; they don't like to be set out until the weather is a little warmer. Our oranges are not quite sweet enough to pick but we expect them to begin to ripen in a week or two, but we have been saying that for a month. They are late--our spring has been cooler than normal. The roses are in full bud and weeds are popping out all over. My plan is to fill at least a half bucket with weeds a day.  Yesterday I filled two bucket loads and my back begged me to stop. Best of all, we have a little helper. 

Hope you are all well. xo Kristen

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  1. What a lovely garden you have and what a wonderful "helper". We are in lock down here in Australia and it is the first Easter that I have not shared with my daughters and their families. I will go out to the garden tomorrow and pick weeds and the last of my roses. Many thanks to you, from Victoria, Ettalong Beach, NSW Australia.

    1. Picking weeds is so cathartic and I think a very good way to spend Easter Sunday in this bizarre time. Easter blessings to you.

  2. Your gardens and flowers are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your photos of flowers, food, knitting inspiration and of course your darling grandson. Your newsletters always brighten my day, especially these days as we shelter in place.
    Wishing you and your family a Blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. I very very much appreciate it!!!!

  3. Your garden photos perked me right up! And I so appreciate your efforts to share patterns designers are making available as we all struggle with our new abnormal and sheltered lives. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much. With all the free patterns we’ll have to grow a few more hands. 🥴

  4. I agree with the weeds, all this rain in Southern California have really given the weeds super life. Good luck pulling at least with the rain they come out easier.
    Peonies are without a doubt my favorite flower. Yours looks so pretty.
    I made your Cowboy cookies and oh my they are really so good. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    1. We love those cookies and are eating a bit too many cookies in general these days.

      Our kids just gave us a stand up weeder. It’s a game changer. I’ll find the shopping link and post it on my next gardening post.

  5. As a knitting retiree I couldn't agree with you more. What a good time to make those Cowboy cookies! Let me go see if I actually have all the ingredients. Your posts have been a bright spot in my day. Chloe

    1. Thank you! We’ve had a few too many cookies ourselves. Cookies, muffins, wine, they are all getting a bit too much attention around here.


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